Religious Text VS. Political Agenda

in #religion7 years ago

Greetings reader .
I would just like to start off by saying this is all just speculation at this current moment and while it may or may not be true ; some of the aspects may line up some may not - if any reader has other ideas please post a reply and share - im not even looking for upvotes at this point, i just want to share information .

Matthew 24:6 - Rumors of war ; every other country at this current moment is heading down this WWIII path, with Russia dropping the US dollar, North Korea and US complaining about each other back and forth wanting to throw a missle at the other first chance they get along with every other situation going on in other countries .

Matthew 24:29-30 ; The Solar eclipse that happened last year was followed by a Blue moon, if it was not that eclipse that it could possibly be the one that has most recently passed - when an eclipse only really happens about 18 months or so, the fact both were very visible, is a different story

Book of Revelation claims all of today's wars will be fought over water - with the North Dakota pipe line, over 2,000 war vets showed up to help the Standing Rock tribe protest ; and they are being treated as criminals and terrorists, along with Flint Michigan with led in their water system
and then you also have corporate entities buying up entire lakes and drying them out, for a fraction of what they sell it back to the people for .

Book of Revelation also speaks of the Bottomless Pit - and NASA has claimed on a report that they want to drill a hole in an Active Super Volcano in Yellowstone ; which will cause a " controlled eruption " - Which according to Revelation 9:2-3 the smoke is enough to cover the sun for quite some time, which could also explain Matthew 24;29-30

.. although the time would be quite difficult to pin point ; other religions also have information in great detail . The Mayan civilization knew about the solar eclipse and the blue moon that was to come, but after that, the knowledge is lost . but the Picture of the Sun in the Mayan civilization also strangely enough matches the Egyptian sun god Ra .

People all over the world have video taped what i believe to be the same thing - this binary sun in our solar system has recently passed us - which would explain the Global warming, and the sea levels rising ; along with the Ice mantle that broke off not too long ago, which was the size of California when it broke off .. This could possibly lead to a Tsunami the likes of which no one has ever seen, and if Fukushima is still leaking, all of that toxic radiation washes up on shore .

some very strange things that other corporations have done over the course of the recent eclipse as well. One of which includes a balloon filled with bacteria that was released ; and after a list of Doctors have been killed off over the course of the past two or three years ; along with google's sister company to release millions of insects to " control " disease

NASA has even done another crazy report about a new Zodiac sign called " Serpentarius " the serpent barer between Sagittarius and Scorpio ; named after a Greek God that handles serpents .

Plus there are much more - that still require more research ; if anyone else has any other notes please reply and share .

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