The little religion that history has forgotten... Deism (not to be confused with Theism)

in #religion8 years ago (edited)

Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine, Albert Einstein (By his quotes), Rousseau, Voltaire, Benjamin Franklin (sometimes... he has been claimed to have been many things), and Ethan Allen were all Deists.

That is some pretty big names...

Oooh look it has some of that Illuminati, Masonic, New World Order symbolism... (chuckle)

So what happened?

Well, I can't tell you for certain why it is not famous. It is the opposite of famous. It is virtually obscured. I do have some speculations on why it might not be famous. I'll get to those in a bit.

What is Deism?

"Deism is a natural religion. Deists believe in the existence of God, on purely rational grounds, without any reliance on revealed religion, religious authority, or holy text." - or a lengthy definition from

Essentially they believe that there are hints of some plan around them whether it is the Golden Ratio and how it is found in nature, occurrences of the Fibonacci Sequence in nature, the mysterious infinity of fractals in math, or whatever other wonder might convince someone that maybe there was some thought behind this. Yet that is as far as a deist takes it. They do not seek to define this creator, God, or whatever you want to call it. They do not write down the secrets to the universe in English, or any other language and say "This is the answer". In fact they do not believe in REVEALED religions. They may still read such texts from a scholarly point of view for the potential historical significance, and possibly good ol' common sense morality examples. Yet ultimately they simply OBSERVE nature around them and use REASON.


That's it. Pretty simple.

Some Deist quotes from famous people

Thomas Paine - A Founding Father of U.S. - Author of Common Sense, and Age of Reason.

Source: Wikipedia

  • "God is the power of first cause, nature is the law, and matter is the subject acted upon."
  • "... everything we behold carries in itself the internal evidence that it did not make itself."
  • "... to the belief of a first cause eternally existing ... this first cause, man calls God."
  • "Belief in a cruel god makes a cruel person."
  • "It is the duty of every true Deist to vindicate the moral justice of God against the evils of the Bible."
  • "I love the man that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. Tis the business of little minds to shrink, but he whose heart is firm and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death."
  • "The most formidable weapon against errors of every kind is reason. I have never used any other and I trust I never shall."
  • "The creation is the Bible of the Deist. He there reads, in the handwriting of the Creator himself, the certainty of His existence and the immutability of His power, and all other Bibles and Testaments are to him forgeries."

Thomas Jefferson - A Founder of the U.S. - 3rd President and 2nd Vice President of the United States - Author of Jefferson Bible.

Source: Wikipedia

  • "Millions of innocent men, women and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined and imprisoned; yet we have not advanced one inch towards uniformity."
  • "But it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods or no God. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg."
  • "Question with boldness even the existence of a god; because if there be one he must approve of the homage of reason more than that of blindfolded fear."
  • "I never submitted the whole system of my opinions to the creed of any party of men whatever in religion, in philosophy, in politics, or in anything else where I was capable of thinking for myself. Such an addiction is the last degradation of a free and moral agent."

Albert Einstein - Discoverer of Relativity, E=MC^2 and many other things. I shouldn't need to tell you who he is.

Source: Wikipedia

  • "My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble minds. That deeply emotional conviction of the presence of a superior reasoning power, which is revealed in the incomprehensible universe, forms my idea of God."
  • "I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modeled after our own - a God, in short, who is but a reflection of human frailty. It is enough for me to contemplate the mystery of conscious life perpetuating itself through all eternity, to reflect upon the marvelous structure of the universe which we can dimly perceive and to try humbly to comprehend even an infinitesimal part of the intelligence manifested in Nature."

There are many more. Let's not make this a blog purely full of quotations.

God gave us reason, not religion

That is the slogan of the World Union of Deists.


This does bring me back to one of the questions I asked earlier. So what happened? Why isn't this form of non-religion famous?

I have a hypothesis/speculation:

I bet it has a lot to do with there being no priest, and no literature telling people how to behave. It really cannot be used to try to control people. It cannot be used to gain power and advantage over another person. It cannot be used to incite war against someone of a different religion.

It is not a useful tool for the status quo.

Both Deism and Atheism make useful tools for the would be Anarchist.

My perspective

I often throw a statement out there saying I am an atheist/deist. I chuckle every time I write that because I can clearly see the contradiction implied in that statement. I wait for people to challenge me and say that is a contradiction. That almost never happens sadly. If it did, it would open the door for me to tell you what I am going to tell you now.

If I view reality around us and try to break everything down into the simplest most basic concepts I can come up with I can view TWO ultimate possibilities.

  1. There was no beginning. There has always been something.
  2. There was some event that created the universe from an apparent nothingness.

If possibility number 1 is correct then I believe Atheism is a completely valid way to view reality. So as a human in such a situation what should I do? I will observe nature and use reason.


If possibility number 2 is correct then that implies some catalyst. That catalyst could be called a creator, or by some a god. It need not be a super omniscient being, or perhaps it is. Regardless, as a human in such a situation what should I do? I will observe nature and use reason.


Do you see? It actually is not as contradictory as it may seem. Which is true would require learning the answer to those two questions which is likely not going to happen. So with that being said, my behavior under either circumstance is the same. This makes them oddly compatible in my mind.

What about other religions?


While I can respect other peoples' right to pursue their own beliefs, and I believe it is an important path for everyone there are simply certain things I cannot personally reconcile.

Nature and reality are ever unfolding and revealing new secrets and mysteries to us. As we answer one question we usually end up with more questions than before. Any written book is written in human languages that must evolve and acquire new words each time we learn something. I find it VERY difficult to believe a human language is capable of telling us what the secrets of the universe(s)/reality is/are. They can give us glimpses. This could be from Latin, Hebrew, English, or Mathematics. They give us an ever expanding glimpse.

So many things written in the books are very petty and immature. Some of them are downright impossible. I can only rectify these things by viewing them as the works of man, not some omniscient supreme being(s). I see the petty desires to control and manipulate others spread throughout every bible I have read. (I am a collector of bibles, religious texts and studies, and esoteric studies)

I completely respect your right to disagree with me. You should most definitely not view this as an Appeal to my Authority. I have no authority. This is simply me expressing MY personal reasons.

I am also very content. My desire to SAVE people is purely to share ideas and knowledge with people. To learn from them and they from me. I get great solace from this. I have no fear of heaven, I have no fear of hell, of ragnarok, of hades, of nirvana, etc. I view life as an adventure. When I die that will either be the end of my adventure OR a new facet of the adventure. I will find out then. :)


EDIT: I forgot something.


Elon Musk, and movies like The Matrix have represented reality as possibly being a simulation. This actually works very well with Deism. Like I said Deism does not mean superior being. In such a case whomever started the simulation would be the creator. Now look around yourself and use reason.


Did you know the idea of the matrix is stolen from Descartes? He said something about a "demon implanting thoughts into your head" and it has been acknowledged in the debate about truth ever since. It is a really hard argument to beat... unless you are a pragmatist like me :D. I just define truth as a non absolute term, because absolute terms can be very toxic.

Oh and Deism sounds exactly like angosticism, well maybe without all the spirituell bs. So it is pretty similar. i could accept that there maybe even forces around us that we do not yet recognize through our scienes that influence our lives, but there also might be no such force. Who can say for sure? Live in general is a concept that science did not really grasp yet.

German Wiki does not define Deism as Theism, so I shall release you of this imaginary contradictions :D. To me atheism just means that I dont want to join any religion out there, mostly because they take their imagery too seriously and hard coded.

German Wiki does not define Deism as Theism, so I shall release you of this imaginary contradictions :D. To me atheism just means that I dont want to join any religion out there, mostly because they take their imagery too seriously and hard coded.

Yeah deists are kind of anti-theistic too... :) Which is funny as they believe in a creator, catalyst, whatever you want to call it.

They just don't seek to define it so much as look around them, observe, and use reason. :)

Basically what I do and how I approach reality is the same whether I am an atheist or deist... so why not be both?


I also spent quite a bit of time on the website which is a great site for researching various religions, non-religions, ideologies, etc. It's pretty non-biased and a good resource.

That's why I consider deism different from agnosticism. Are they CLOSE? Yep, in some ways very much so.

Confucius taught that when societies operate under laws, people are punished by authorities after having committed illegal activities. People generally conform to the laws, often without necessarily understanding the rationale behind them. He promoted a different way: to internalize behaviors so that actions are controlled beforehand. People then behave properly because they wish to avoid feeling shame and want to avoid losing face. In theory, the result is a reduction in the number of coercive laws required for smooth functioning of the society on the teachings of confucianism

The concept of "face" is still very alive in asia and is exactly that kind of reputation model we want isn't it? Sure it can also get perverted sometimes but no concept is immune to abuse.

Yes, when I speak of contracts and reputation with voluntaryism that is pretty much what I am describing.

everything is a remix :)

Nope. There is new stuff, though we do stand on the shoulders of those that came before us.

One day I will find that argument to smash you on this topic, but for now I just disagree

There are so many discoveries every day that we did not have before. You said EVERYTHING which is an absolute. It only takes one example for that to be false. So that's easy to prove. :)

EDIT: This steemit blockchain is a good example. Nothing quite like this has ever existed before.

Great job, glad my article "Do you know what you are? Religious or Spiritually? Find out Now!" reminded you and inspired you to write this.

PS - Feel free to plug yourself @dwinblood on my article as well!

One of my main beefs with religion (not deism) is that there isn't one bit of knowledge in their texts that wasn't already known to all of the people at the time. It wasn't like God gave us the speed of light or something that no one could have possibly known. It was all just stuff that people "knew". You'd figure there'd be at least one bit of God-like info in there that no one would have learned.

It's even worse than that. Most of it is recycled information from older religions with just names of people and places changed. Most of the miracles, disciples, etc that Christ had actually occurred in Egyptian and Hindu religion up to thousands of years before him. Some of the names of some of the stories are pretty close.

Then haha... research the history of "The Devil" sometime. That is interesting.... you see how the religion changes in the best way to insure conversion of people not of that faith. Original Judaism didn't have a bad guy, just God. It didn't really have a concept of Heaven, Hell dualism either. That didn't enter the faith until they mingled with the Zoroastrians who had a dualistic system with a Good and Evil God. This kept happening. Then the appearance of the devil took on traits from Hades and Pan of the Greco/Roman Mythologies/Religion.

Yeah. I don't like any written religions, but I've studied the shit out of them. (chuckle)

It really is amazing how much of the major religions really just came from previous texts and oral traditions like you said. It's not surprising, in fact, it's completely to be expected. After all, religion is just "science" in lieu of science, and I can imagine that there are only so many "tools" in that old tool belt.

I went to Catholic schools from kindergarten through college, so I am completely with you on studying this stuff. My schools were open to children of all different faiths, so we got to learn a lot more about religions other than just Christianity, which was pretty fun from a historical perspective. I think that experience helped to drive me down a similar, albeit seemingly not as intense, path as yours, where my other friends who never got involved with religion can simply laugh it off today. Looking back, I'm glad I went through that, because I never would have appreciated atheism and I never would have really understood what it means.

I do need to research some more of "the devil" some time. I've never gone down that road but on quick glance I can't help but wonder how much the Council of Nicea was a factor in the devil's "expanded role" if you will, even if his roots traced back thousands of years before. Just seems like the perfect opportunity to thoroughly entrench the concept within a new State religion. Now pay your tithes or God will send you to the fires of the Devil's lair! Oh, oh, yes m'lord, no hell for me today, thank you, m'lord.

It is difficult to know how much the Council in Nicea (either the 1st or the 2nd) censored and altered things. The "Devil" did enter Judaism (before Christianity) when it mingled with the Zoroastrians, so that at least seems to predate the Council. Though what the council did, hard to say. They were pretty methodical in destroying things that remained they didn't allow through.

Always wondered how many apocryphal books were actually destroyed. You have to figure that anything that spoke of Jesus as just a man were out, and anything that strayed from the "big four" were out as well. I'm sure the "original" Bible was far more disjointed and inconsistent than the current iteration.

Really interesting about the Zoroastrians. I actually hadn't looked too much into them and more so thought of the Sumerians as the predominant influence on most of the OT stuff. I'll definitely have to look more into them, because at quick glance on wiki, this is some really interesting stuff. Thanks for yet another lead to a different rabbit hole :)

"Belief in a cruel god makes a cruel person."

"Millions of innocent men, women and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined and imprisoned; yet we have not advanced one inch towards uniformity."

I love how Paine and Jefferson understood this!

Yeah, you'd think they were smart or something. (chuckle)

This is an excellent post! I wish I had more Steem Power to give this more attention. Well done!

Another one of those things I'd been thinking about writing, but it took someone inspiring me with one of their posts. :)

Oh, and thanks. I am glad you liked it.

Heh... my post I finished showing what I've bought using bitcoin has a collage. The two books you recommended to me are actually sitting on my bed now. Some of the stuff I purchased with bitcoin acquired from using steemit.

Very interesting post indeed, and well documented too.
Honestly never heard of Deism, only of Theism.

Yeah it is truly lost to history.

I think I just figured out what religion I am. I'm freaking out though that I might be in the same religion as Einstein! Oh well, that is a whole 'nother story.

edit: I'm basing this on the very brief definition you gave under "What is Deism?" I'm not so sure about the rest of the tenets.

Yeah I studied religions since 1988 pretty heavily. Yet I stumbled upon this in a kind of lesser known link on probably a decade or so ago. I think this would be a big deal. It is very simple, and extremely peaceful.

I added a little piece I forgot but intended to say something about.

Thomas Paine was my favorite founding father to study. And I thought you were never going to mention Elon Musk. Awesome post!

I actually had full intentions of mentioning Elon Musk and his recent statements he thought reality could be a simulation. Yet I spaced it out and had to go add it as an EDIT.

Funny thing, if it is a simulation then that is Deism. :)

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