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RE: Why my God is only true God.

in #religion8 years ago

"I have examined all the known superstitions of the world, and I do not find in our particular superstition of Christianity one redeeming feature. They are all alike founded on fables and mythology. Millions of innocent men, women and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined and imprisoned. What has been the effect of this coercion? To make one half the world fools and the other half hypocrites; to support roguery and error all over the earth." Thomas Jefferson


Thomas Jefferson is one of my top three favorite American founding fathers. He spent much of his retirement years cutting up his copy of the Bible to preserve the teachings of Jesus while eliminating the evidence that those teachings had merit. He substituted The Recommendation of Thomas Jefferson instead of The Eyewitness Accounts of the Apostles as the reason why people should adopt the teachings of Jesus. Pretty arrogant, actually. I still admire him. Nobody's perfect. :o)

As I have shown conclusively, the gospels are most definitely not "eyewitness accounts":

I will have much more to say on this subject in coming weeks.

I highly recommend that thread, since I poured so much effort into refuting it.

The gist of your point is that you would like each of the authors to have provided a DNA sample and an affidavit with the emperor's seal on it that they were the authors. Every single point amounts to, "Why didn't they provide more proof?"

However, these documents were written by well known individuals and preserved, replicated and distributed by their contemporaries because of the high esteem and credibility that those individuals had achieved throughout the Roman Empire.

The best you have been able to do is to complain about what proof the authors provided when at the time it is clear that they didn't feel the need to include their credentials in their writings.

I'll leave it to the interesting reader to examine your points paragraph by paragraph in search of any points that constitute evidence for your case rather than complaints about the failure of the inspired authors to certify themselves. The arguments you present are merely proof that they were already well known and were not trying to convince a person opening a time capsule and discovering documents of unknown origin for the first time. These documents were born into a thriving Christian community, not a time capsule.

The proof of that is that the inspired texts are quoted so thoroughly in the writings of the early church fathers that it is possible to almost completely reconstruct the originals from all the quotes. As Paul said, "these things were not done in a corner."

the gospel largely was written by Romans, about 150 years after Jesus p.b.u.h, and can never be even 80% the word of God, can u imagine the God of Moses tells Moses it is impossible for u to see in this earth, when Moses asks to see him, but yet again comes down later on to die for our sons, and then he will come back to finish of where he left of.

The contemporaries of the Apostles would disagree with you about that. They are the ones who treasured, preserved, and distributed these writings throughout Europe and the Middle East. Christians were persecuted to death for 300 years before the Romans took any interest in their religion. The idea that the Romans produced any of these writings is ludicrous. By the time Rome took interest in Christianity with Constantine, there were copies of the scriptures in use by over 300 independent Christian bishops through out their empire.

Yes. The criterion used by those bishops at Nicaea to sort out the wheat from the chaff was apostolic authority. The majority of the bishops present had to agree that there was sufficient proof that a particular document could be traced back to an apostle or an apostle's associate. This process of challenging and reproving apostolic authority went on for several hundred years - and always the same canon was recognized.

Emperor Constantine didn't really care what documents the bishops picked. He just wanted Christianity to support his rule as emperor.

This was an era of oral teaching and hand-written documents. By 200-300 AD, there were countless false versions of the Scriptures circulating produced by adversaries or self-promoters.

So Constantine organized the Council of Nicea in 315. He invited > 1000 "bishops", but only about 200 made the arduous journey to Constantinople. It's a fascinating story how today's Bible was compiled that every Believer should know. After the work was done, King Constantine ordered a large quantity of Bibles produced... 50 copies.

There are only few trueth's in the bible watch this


U are using big words, on me my friend on ur most resent reply. I am a layman, and don't understand this big words ur using. Lol

Please point out which words and I'll try to be more clear. :o)

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