Interacting with God

in #religion6 years ago

Jeremiah 24:3

3 Then said the Lord unto me, What seest thou,
Jeremiah? And I said, Figs; the good figs, very
good; and the evil, very evil, that cannot be eaten,
they are so evil.

Jeremiah 24 begins with God showing the prophet two baskets - one filled with good, delicious fruit and the other filled with worthless, inedible fruit. The Lord, apparently wanting Jeremiah to know the importance of the vision He'd given him, asked, "What do you see, Jeremiah?"

God went on to explain to Jeremiah the significance of the vision: He would bless the "good" exiles who had been led out of Judah to the land of the Babylonians. On the other hand, He would judge those in Judah who had led the people into sin and idolatry and had brought judgment on the nation.

Why did God ask Jeremiah what he saw? Perhaps it is because God knows that His communication with His people is best received when He interacts with them. From the time of creation, God wanted fellowship with us humans. He wanted us to give ourselves to Him, and He wanted to share Himself with us. In other words, He desired close, personal, Creator/creation interaction with us.

Prayer is more that just speaking words of praise, thanksgiving and requests to your God - as important as those things are. Prayer also involves listening when He speaks to you, to give you the wisdom, encouragement or teaching you need. When you spend time praying and reading your Bible, stop and ask yourself what God wants you to see and hear - what He's saying to you personally.

Reference: 365 Essential Questions from the Bible

The Grim Reaper Preacher says, "Try reading the Bible from cover to cover - you'll like it."


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The holy spirit is our teacher. If we have ears to hear, he will teach us all things.

Communion with God is essential in the life of every believer, it is wonderful to know that we have a father for whom we are important who longs to speak with his children, Blessings brother @deathlyhorror.

good & religious post..
I like it..👌👌
everyone should abide their religious rule to establish peace in their life..

Я читаю Библию, благодаря Вам. Большое спасибо. Объясните, пожалуйста, фразу "благими намерениями вымощен путь в ад". Я Не понимаю. Благодарю за ответ.

I read the Bible, thanks to you. Many thanks. Explain, please, the phrase "well-intentioned paved the way to hell." I do not understand. Thank you for your reply.

Interacting with God is something thats very important and should be done daily. In the time we are now alot of people have forgotten about God and they need to go back to him. Thanks for sharing

Amen! Teaching digested. From today on wards am really going to polish up my day to day interaction with my father in heaven.

I have realised that however much i pray, read the word and preach the gosple. I really need to take off some time and here what God is saying to me at a particular time or season.

Thanks so much @deathlyhorror for sharing.
You are a very big blessing to many here on this platform.

Thank you for your kind comments. God Bless You

Why did God ask Jeremiah what he saw? Perhaps it is because God knows that His communication with His people is best received when He interacts with them..

Very true.

God will love us because we are good, but that God will make us good because He loves us...Another religion related content . Thanks @deathlyhorror

Fellowship with God is important and needs to be done constantly..God is ever present and ought to be seen that way so as to get the best of fellowship with him.

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