Jesus: God AND Men (Gott und Mensch)? | Apologetik

in #religion7 years ago (edited)

Short description in English of the German content of the video

Jesus' divinity is one of the fundamentals of christianity. It's also the one most attacked doctrine of the christian faith. Christians need to be ready and able to defend it. Sadly, for the most part christian churches don't pay much attention to this fundamental doctrine and as a consequence most christians can't explain why it is such an important and non-negotiable teaching. Asked by muslims or Jehovahs witnesses mostly they can't give a rational for their believe in the necessity of Jesus being divine. 

In the first part of this short video I explain how Jesus logically consistent can be both God and man. (For the insides I heavily depend on and need to give credit to the theologian Vincent Cheung.) The second part deals with the fact that Jesus had to be both man and God in order to be able to become our substitute and to atone for us. 


Please don't use tag #deutsch if you do not post in german.

ok maybe it's kind of confusing because the video is in german and the text is just explaining the content.

Oh ok, I ususally not watch Videos :-)

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