Dear Diary: It's That Catholic Easter Time Again And The Culture Of Self Flagellation Still Remains Among Them

in #religion7 years ago

Some people think that hurting one's self physically is the way to get a retribution or repayment from one's sins. It is far from the truth because for one thing our bodies is the temple for our spirit and making it miserable or destroying it not only with self-flagellations, vices, drug abuse, smoking, drinking will not make us better if you use your common sense and such are ruining that temple and are not a good way to also give a payment from our sins.

It is funny that self-flagellants here in my village after doing their rituals of making their backs bleed and then to constantly beat it with a rope and stick implement will take a bath on the nearby river and after that will binge on drinking and get drunk because they believed that they were forgiven and were just filling some more sins with drinking to do the ritual again next year until at some time in their life they will not do that religious nonsense anymore as they would realize that it really is stupid to hurt yourself for a reason to get a forgiveness.


Here in my village there is a man that is always nailed on the cross only if he was paid or received something for it. The nail that is used by the way is in a jar filled with alcohol. Then his arms before hand are tied with some rubber bands to numb it out as well as fumigating him with incense all throughout the process. That incense also knocked down my brother while he was watching in a nearby roof and he lost consciousness for a while and was picked up by a man near him.


Image Source: FB Gifs


hello friend, is a very extensive issue that creates diversity of opinions, as for those who practice it, I would say that the extreme always leads to the bad, I do not think it is an act well seen by God, because God in the Bible says: that we should love our neighbor as oneself, that the body is the dwelling place and dwelling of God and his holy spirit, so based on that, I think that if his word says that we are his temple, we would be mistreating him, for self-flagellating , and apart we would not be loving each other, to renounce our sins, just confess it with our mouths, and say that we are sorry for our sins and with that we are already being forgiven, God abhors meat sacrifices, it is my opinion @cryptopie.

wow it is very interesting such things go on. I wonder what incense is burned?

@cryptopie They are only expressions of the fervor of the people, but perhaps many later do not lead the Lord in their lives but rather live on appearances. Always in my prayers. An affectionate hug

Wow, that’s really extreme. I’m a religious catholic, but this is definitely not what faith is about. This is not the way to clear your sins.
I’ve never heard that one until now, from you.

According to you, friend, our body is the temple of the highest, the forgiveness of our sins can only be achieved with true repentance, born from the heart. I feel that more than flagellate should help their neighbor most needy. A big hug.

Very interesting brother.

Religion is a fact of believe in. I respect all mans' believe. it's a spritual fact for everybody. So do as you believe in.

I am converted to Islam but my former religion was Roman Catholic and I am the one and only Muslim in the family but I have a huge respect wth the Catholic faith and religious practices and culture. My family is cery religious also and used to visit churches during easter week as what I used to do before. Have a blessed Easter days...

NO no!
if someone has done bad with you, you must forgive him, that's your greatness, and you'll be benefits in the future.

Doing such thing should be done voluntarily and not for money. it's a shame my fret that they see this as a source of income rather than a week of Jesus death and resurection.

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