in #religion8 years ago

TED Talk: Suzanne Barakat: Islamophobia killed my brother. Let's end the hate This is a profound speech, I had to talk to a friend, I met lately and she started to speak about Islam and sending them all out of our country. I felt the need to stop her, and explain, that not all Muslims are radical and that their religion, like Jews, Christians and many other's, are a religion to worship G-D. There are radicals in all these religions and I explained to her that the media has made the Radical Muslims a face for all Muslims, this is discrimination. Suzanne Barakat's life, not just a story, is painful to hear and knowing that this, our country, is in such a state of hate, too is painful. It is my prayer that with the new administration that our country can come together and work toward a stronger country together and not apart. Please remember: "United We Stand, Divided We Fall." https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipN_y404KEmlB4xef1OfwXbLtPKiAkbs67kgU5-B


Islmaphobia is not real it is a made up word to shut down anything critical of islam.
You try to say all muslims are not are radical but then try to compare it to jews, Christians and ect when none of the other religiions are out kiling people in the name of their god on the daily. when was the last time anyoher religion drove a bus into a croud of people yelling out about god, or attacking people with an ax or knife? Its not happening because other religions have had reform and islam has not.
Mohammad (rest in aids) was a pedo and regularly had sex with his 9yr old bride, islam is a death cult and to try to compare it to other religions is just ignorant as fuck.
If you really care about the muslims then maybe you should be speaking up about reform in the muslim religion.

Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it. There have been Radicals in all religions, including Christians. It is wrong to hate any one group or religion, take time to go back and read about our past. The truth and the answers are there, you first have to seek it. Read do not just take someone else's word or what you see on television. Seek and Ye shall find, Knock and the door will be opened.

that all happened in the past and they have had reform, im not saying there isn't radicals in any group, im saying that the other groups aren't doing that shit in the present, they did it in the past nd that does not make an excuse for the shit people are doing in the present.
talking about history repeting itself but you are ignoring the history of all other religions having reform except islam. so like all the other religions in history this crap will go on till islam has reform like all other religiions have gone through.

so your saying it is wrong to disagree with a religion/idealogy that promotes violence, lies, murder, child marrige, rape, stoning ect ect on and on?

Its funny to my you preach like I have no clue about history and you do but at the same time your trying to equate religious violence from the past to the current destruction and violence in the present.

Not to mention mohammad (rest in aids) was a 50 yr old man banging his 9yr old wife on the regular.
Pedo death cult.

Every man is responsible for their own actions, so is Mohammad, he must stand alone before G-D and answer for what he has done wrong. All men have sinned and come short of the glory of G-D therefore no man is perfect. Now about the religion, Islam like many others may need reform but that always come with opposition, there is always violence before a major change. I have read the true Koran, the one which pre-dates Mohammad, everyone should read it. We are all human and we are all brothers and sisters, hate never fixed anything.

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