Crimes of Christianity

in #religion7 years ago (edited)

Today I am going to talk about the crimes that the people who claim to be of the Lord have committed throughout the ages. The people who claim they will make it to Heaven and will damn anyone that THEY see unfit from their false interpretations of the Bible. With the atrocities, the so-called “followers of Jesus” have done it is no surprise the Lord will chastise them the hardest.

For centuries they have committed horrible claims all in the Lord’s name. Did they not think this would offend Him? So many have been slaughtered all throughout the ages. From the Jews to the Native Americans. No one is safe from the people who think they are of God.

For Pagans, there was the destruction of multiple temples, and most notably there was the female philosopher Hypatia of Alexandria was ripped apart with glass fragments. This was done by a Christian mob led by a minister named Peter in 415. Not only this but in the early 4th century Christian authorities ordered the execution of Sopatros.

The Spanish Inquisition is a huge part of the crimes it which was in the 1500’s. The tribunal had ordered for the execution of 3 million rebels in the Netherlands, though thousands were slain. Tomás de Torquemada was one of the worst from this as he alone burned over 10,000 to death. All this because of refusal to convert to Christianity or that they weren’t sincere enough in their conviction.

I’m sure we all know how many Jews were slain throughout history by Christians. Also, there was the age of Witches. During those times over a hundred thousand women were burned and hanged! And we all know the stories of the conquering of America. Columbus, who was a slave trader and would-be Holy Crusader. The Natives were brutally conquered, made slaves, and killed. Throughout the ages, it has been a massacre of the Christian people.

Now do you not remember one of the Lord’s videos, he mentions the killing in His name. He did not sanction this! The command is to love God and love each other! Not slaughter people who will not submit to you, or become your slaves. He is not happy with this one bit. Christians have been self-centered, they damn anyone who goes against their own beliefs which in itself is HIGHLY despised by the Lord. He said Himself that those people will receive the highest punishments and chastisements. Now granted it isn’t all Christians who are like this, but a very large majority are. Do not let yourself be pulled into such terrible habits, follow His commands. In Lord RayEl’s name. Amen.

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Catholics aren't Christians. Their crimes have nothing to do with Christ.

That's an argument of semantics, bias, and perspective.

Catholics believe in Christ, hold same ceremonies and use the bible... this is the biggest ignorant statement of all time. Hypocritical to the highest degree..... Catholics... roman catholics are the ones responsible for MANY crimes. ESPECIALLY the changing of his name, throwing out books because it did not go along with their agenda. wake up please

I will return in measure that which you have done for me. -Lord RayEl

There's no denying what has been done. The greater problem, or the root of it, is morality. The most wicked can still repent and choose life for their soul, as can an entire order. I hope the best for them, as some of the warmest souls I've met were Roman Catholic.

The Christians have committed the most crimes against humanity that any faith has ever committed. They have even done so against each other. They have calmed done a bit from their hey day of slaughter though.

Nonsense. Muslims have enslaved and murdered millions. Their crimes have been constant since it became a religion.

Besides, when a Christian commits a crime they violate their faith. When a Muslim commits a crime against an infidel they're doing what their religion commands.


The right way is the true path!

Plainly stated is the quality of ones soul .. it is not their race, color, creed or religion , but the crimes still exist regardless

Yes I hate to say it, but statistically they are very ugly and judgmental to others .. how could anyone learn of God's Love the way that most of them talk to people with opinions and no evidence to support the "additions" they make to the bible ..and then they try to say God Loves everyone .. yes those people killing each other right now with no regard to God's will .. suuuure he "loves" them. How many lies can one religious sect dish out ? False doctrine.. give us the Rayelite TRUTH ! The unadulterated biblical scripture and truth vs the hoopla to make the pastors mega rich for telling comfy lies !

Exactly! Well said brother.

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