2 Chronicles 19 : 7 - Fear when you think to Judge

in #religion7 years ago
"Now let the fear of the LORD be on you. Judge carefully, for with the LORD our God there is no injustice or partiality or bribery." 

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In the world of today, we grow up judging people on anything. We judge on appearance, where someone works, what they buy, what someone thinks and so many things more.

We go through life thinking that it is fine to do what we as people are currently doing. Just think about the first thing you do when you see someone for the first time... By instinct we judge, without even knowing them. And we think it's fine, until they got something to say about you. Then it's not fun anymore, because everyone judges. And let me say, first impressions last. If he thinks something bad about you, show him that you are the better person.

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Do to others what you want to be done on to yourself. And if people judge you afterwards, they are either jealous or just full of themselves. (My opinion)

Let me not start on the bribery...

 Exodus 23:8
"You shall not take a bribe, for a bribe blinds the clear-sighted and subverts the cause of the just."

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If only some of the people could look past their noses and think... They think they might be 'helping someone' but they are blinded by the money, and would do anything to get money.

The governments, traffic cops, etc, only care about themselves. The traffic cops especially here in South Africa make more money than their monthly salary when taking bribes. Sometimes they do not know that they can lose their jobs, be exposed or get judged by doing that.

Sometimes the people giving the bribe must think twice before giving the money, for all we know is they might be telling people they are Christians etc, but then they give bribes, just to get out of the jail free card.

People just think that the only rules we must obey are the ten commandments, but there are rules that the Bible tells us to not break.

Think before you do, we Can make the world a better place! 


This is very impressive, and I totally agree with you.

Thank you very much @bigbear , appreciate all the support!

I quite agreed with you that the judge of the universe is one that cannot be manupulate d or influnce in any way. You reap what you sew.

True word spoken there my @comrade ! And thank you!

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