in #religion6 years ago

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Starting a journey to a great destination is a such a nice journey does not and at the expected destination. It is of utmost importance not just to finish a journey but to finish it well. It is not a trivial thing that about the six hundred adults who left the land of Egypt among israelite nly two of them got to the promise land (exodus 12:37 numbers 32:11-12)this should serve as an example and a warning to every child of God running the Christian race in this end time (1 corinthians 15:52)the autimate goal
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of the Christian journey for every child of God is to transform and meet the Lord in the air when the trumpet sounds (thesalonicans 4:17) i pray that you will not miss the great congregation of the saints in Jesus name. there is how ever another destination awaiting the devil, his demonic cohorts and all those who follow him to do evil among men (mathew 25:41)say then shall he say unto them on the left hand, depart from me ye cursed unto everlasting fire
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prepared for the devil and the angels. beloved i pray that your portion will not be with the devil in Jesus name
what should be done to finish well in times like these? the Lord provide answer in (mark 13:35-37)watch ye therefore ye know not when the house cometh, at even or at midnight or at the cockcrowing, or in the morning lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping. and what i say unto you all watch.


May we all finish this race well by the Grace of God

Amen, thanks

Nice work i love this...we're buddy

Nice work :)

God is our strength sha

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