in #religion7 years ago

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Ambassadors is a worthy representative of a kingdom and it's people in general. in particular, he or she represent the head of the realm.
as a Christ's Ambassadors we are to speak for our Lord Jesus concerning the work of redemption which he has finished for all mankind as a Christian Ambassadors, we are not just is servants or errands boy, our relationship with him goes deeper than that. Thy Lord Jesus christ made us understand from Bible that following his decision to choose us, he has promoted us to a level of friend, and he his ready to reveal things he and his father discuss in secret to us. what a privilege (psalm 25-14)

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say the secret of the Lord is with them that fear him he will show them covenant.
Why has the Lord made us his ambassadors?
some of the reason are revealed in (mark 3:14-15)and he ordained twelve that they should be with him and that he might send them forth to preach and to has power to heal sickness and to cast out Devil's. ambassadors for christ are ordained first to fellowship with the master. in addition they are to go out and preach the gospel of the kingdom they represent. they are to exert the dominion of their king over all obstruction to the expansion of his kingdom, by ministering healing and deliverance to all those who are oppress of the devil.
the ambassadors of christ are expected to do what he did, and even greater works than he did
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one of these benefits is steady answer to prayer. Elijah is a classical of an ambassador for Yahweh. he prayed down fire that that could quench water and God answer him immediately (1king 18 :36 38)
another benefit of being an ambassador for christ is that after your tenure here on earth you will live eternal with him in heaven, thy Lord give us his word on this in (John 14:2-3)
to be an ambassador for christ you must live a live a life that represents the Holy God. choose to represent christ everywhere you go and you will not regret doing so.

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