in #religion8 years ago

PART 3 EVEN GOD USES MODALISM by definition SO WHEN DID IT BECOME HERESY AGAIN?!? He used it to describe himself and who would be coming in the flesh

.....and yet the trinitarians will say

MODALISM also called Sabellianism, is THE UNORTHODOX BELIEF that God is one person who has revealed himself in three FORMS or MODES in contrast to the Trinitarian doctrine where God is one being eternally existing in three persons.

MODALISM teaches that the Heavenly Father, Resurrected Son and Holy Spirit identified by the Trinity Doctrine are different modes OR ASPECTS of the One God, as perceived by the believer, rather than three coeternal persons within the Godhead.
ASPECT is a term used across several religions and in theology to describe a particular manifestation or conception of a deity or other divine being. Depending the religion, these might to disjoint OR overlapping PARTS, or METHODS of perceiving or conceptualizing the deity in a particular context.

That fact that a anthrophomorphism is used to describe the PARTS of the deity that is manifested as such is modalistic!?! is that simple .....God sending or manifesting three different PARTS of himself is modalism by definition.....Those three different PARTS that God manifest can be

(1) anthrophomorphism(s)
(2) any other number of qualities/ aspects of God (love, wisdom et al) .

GOD HIMSELF describes his nature and what was sent and manifest of himself to man in MOADLISTIC terms concepts of PARTS of himself NOT different persons......
ANTHROPOMORPHISM is the attribution of human characteristics and qualities to non-human beings, objects, natural, or supernatural phenomena. God, animals, the forces of nature, and unseen or unknown authors of chance are frequent subjects of anthropomorphosis. The term comes from two Greek words, άνθρωπος(anthrōpos), meaning "HUMAN," and μορφή (morphē), meaning "SHAPE" or "FORM." The suffix "-ism" originates from the morpheme "-isma" in the Greek language.
Anthropomorphic adjective


Pg 27 ..... What is even more curiously hypocritical is the fact that according to the Trinitarian reasoning, God is not capable of being only one person in three parts. NO NO, however, on the other hand they are quick to point to how great God, past our human understanding and our limited feeble minds He is as the reason for why we should just accept that God can be one being with three different persons as a “god-head”. The coherent and consistent approach to the one person godhead is thrown out in favor of the incomprehensible three person God because God is so great he could do that. They will say we don’t have to understand it because we can’t and must not put limits on God. However, on the other hand, they will deny that God is great enough to be only be one person who is the father and the same person who is the son and the same person who is the holy spirit (even though that is how he describes himself.) God is not great enough to be and do that. In any case, the Trinitarian’s treat their god to only be as great and incomprehensible in the way and for the reason they imagine the God to be. Trinitarinas have no difficulty “seeing” (never mind they also claim it is impossible to fully understand) that God is three different persons (with three different minds and or three different locations with different amounts of knowledge, power and authority that send each other around) but they cannot, will not accept and would fiercely deny and claim that it is impossible for one God with one person, could just have three different modes bodies (physical/spiritual He occupies) of all the same person!?! You see God is only as Great and incomprehensible in the way and for they reasons that they say God is past (your) “feeble” human understanding, but they in their “humility”, accept that fact; and “be damned” what anyone or any scriptures have to say otherwise about it.

That part of the spirit of God that God considers to be his own right arm comes occupies and is “fussed” with human flesh in a way that the rest of God is not. The distinction is in that fact and the “additional sensations/existence” that human flesh/spirit fusion create, not a distinction in person. .......When someone goes to put a needle in my arm IT REACTS to pull back but my head tells it no stay there it is for the best….but only a fool would try to conclude that my right arm is a different person, even though it has “a will of its own” …Trinitarian attempt to deny what God plainly states about his own nature and “PERSON” based on the trinitarians “rational” arguments but build your whole God on the incomprehensible concept of three different person who are each God with different “god” powers and knowledge as only ONE GOD rather then what that really is which is three different Gods…...So [for trinitarians et al] they and their arguments attempt to convince everyone that the best most reasonable arguments from scriptures reach a conclusion that is “incomprehensible” and you must accept the truth of it as such while ignoring what and How God specificaly describe himself and accepting what God specifically denounces (God specifically denounces that he is multiple different persons see part 1 ) ....The right arm that God describes is just a figure of speech not to be taken too literally while the ideas that plainly contradicts God must be accepted as “plain truth”. ...These men PROV 26:12!?!

Pg15 …..YES JESUS DID CLAIMED TO BE GOD SPECIFICLY ( However it is right to say Jesus choose his words carefully because he did not want folks to focus on the flesh that was standing before them but rather the spirit that was animating that flesh) The problem is that even most Christians either do not know or do not care what GOD said about HIMSELF …Ergo the heresy of trinity….. The Righteous Right Hand of the Lord "HE COMETH"............ " NO REALY ….'I AM HE'; IT’S JUST ME!!".... The RIGHT ARM/HAND is what is REVEALED, …What is sent and comes to SAVE US, the “SALVATION REAVEALD”, that right arm comes and gets “THE VICTORY” and will “RULE”. That right arm/hand IS "His RIGHTEOUS SERVANT" that God “MADE BARE” and was “LIFTED UP/EXALTED” and thus “BARE THE SINS of many” !?!? This is the absolute strongest case for the fact that yes, JESUS DID CLAIM TO BE GOD, COME IN THE FLESH!!…

Pg 19…THE STRONGEST CASE…Some have asked where did Jesus specifically say "I AM GOD"...Ok, consider, If you ask me are you the preacher I might say yea "I am he"; that is just a generic reference that could apply to anything ....HOWEVER, Jesus is making specific scriptural references and laying claim to where GOD himself claimed to be "I AM HE" when he describes the right arm that would come......It was no different then if you ask someone right now are you that part of God that God called his own right arm? and they responded with "I AM HE" that would be same as them saying I AM GOD..I AM that right arm......The reference Jesus uses is a specific reference to being God......When Christ lays claim to “I AM HE” it was the same as saying God said about himself " I AM HE" …and you need to know and believe that “I AM HE” refers to me and as such is a specific claim to being God....!?!

Lest the subtleties of what is being said here escape you let me speak plainly: The “I am he” IS LITERALY the same person “me” that is going to send………….

Pg 36........ Christ is part of the omnipresent Spirit of God (that God considers to be His own right arm) attached to flesh but not limited to the confines of that flesh; connected in a way that the rest of God is not.. ….He (Jesus) is however, that part of God that God himself considers to be his own right arm that came in the flesh. ……..and the terms that God uses are the very ones that man who is made in his image are not just modalist but staunchly anti-trinitarian! His son is his right arm... …. before you scoff with Jesus was just a hand puppet of God (Gods right arm in human flesh) then consider you likewise are just as much a puppet of the soul/spirit that is in your flesh the only difference is that you are a different person (then God) who’s spirit is limited to the confines of your human flesh while Christ is part of the omnipresent Spirit of God (that God considers to be His own right arm) attached to flesh but not limited to the confines of that flesh; connected in a way that the rest of God is not. A SIMPLE THOUGHT EXERCISE WITH A HAND PUPPET ANIMATED BY YOU (THE UNSEEN BEHIND THE CURTAIN SPIRIT USING YOUR RIGHT HAND) EXPLAINS ALL THE “DIFFICULTY” UNDERSTANDING WITH SUCH PASSAGES as Jn 10:29-31; 12:49 et al

~Pg61........Your spirit animates your body just as a puppet is animated by a hand in a puppet glove. (the spirit is the life what gives animation to the flesh) You can put your right hand into a glove or puppet and animate it. Your spirit is animating your physical flesh. The physical flesh is nothing more then a more complex puppet of your spirit. Jesus is nothing but that part of the spirit of God that came and occupied the same physical flesh as you and me and animated it in the same way that we are animated by our spirits. The difference is that our spirits were created by Jesus himself who is the father and God of all spirits. If you find the concept of Jesus as a puppet disturbing then just look in the mirror because that is what you are! ....

Pg 120 Everyday experience can explain the nature of God using the modalistic descriptions and allegories found in scripture with everyday experience. However, trinitarianism cannot be seen or understood in everyday experience and is in fact as admitted to in their own “confessions of faith” (and by virtue of their “God is so great we cant put God in a box, we just can’t understand it arguments/excuses) is admittedly “INCOMPREHSIBLE”.

Pg143….….But wait someone would say, I would never consider my right arm to be my son so why would God consider his right arm to be his son?...... Because of the physical birth of male human flesh that was born as a “son of man” (that was in fact God himself) and as such belongs to God. Was it Mary’s son or God’s son? It is simply a matter of perspective. The male child was born of a virgin but the male human flesh was animated or only had life via that part of God considered to be his own right arm and as such that male human flesh was literally the human flesh of God since it was A SON and God had no other human flesh (or son) it was literally the ONLY or unique birthed BEGOTTON SON (male human flesh) OF GOD (belonging to / the possession "of God") Jesus is a son because what was physical born was male human flesh and a son that was the possession of God because it was God in that male (son) human flesh .NOT because some other different god person who was not a powerful and knowledgeable as the father God person! .....Except you believe it you will die in your sins..

Pg 14 ..It is superfluous even fallacious to insist on a second person of God because a son must be a different person then a human father because Jesus did not have a human father and God does not take a wife and have children like men do ?!?!… God via the angel told Mary that what was going to be born was to be called the son of God, (NOTE: here in Heb it states “I WILL BE TO HIM A FATHER, AND HE SHALL BE TO ME A SON?) NOT because the servant/Right arm sent is a different person then the father who sent his right arm/ “My servant” the son. Jesus is a literal son by virtue of the birth into human flesh NOT by virtue of having a different person then the father. Further, it is important to understand that there was no son of God until the son was born however that part of God himself that He considers to be God’s own hand / right arm (by which he created all things and would latter send via a physical birth) had always existed. The fact that God has distinctions between father son and Holy Spirit is not any more incomprehensible then a man with a head and right arm (that comes to “man” via a physical birth ergo called the “son of man” & “Son of God”) and a sprit that animates them all. One might be tempted to think that God actually intended for us to understand his nature by using the very creation (even in the language and terminology) that was made in that image.

Pg 24-25…………Since man is made in the image of God you would think that folks would want to start with that concept to apply first, rather then invoking the number three or the word Trinity entirely unnecessarily, into a God that is quite clear about the fact that He is only one person..…My right hand IS me and is WITH me (Jn 1:1).….WOW, imagine that!?!? Distinctions are not multiple persons. The fact that God has distinctions between father son and holy spirit is not any more incomprehensible then a man with a head and right arm and a sprit that animates them all. One might be tempted to think that God actually intended for us to understand his nature by using the very creation (even in the language and terminology) that was made in that image……………………… Man is made in the image of God and God uses these exact terms to describe and define his nature. You right arm is distinct from your head...It is with you and it is you....Your head is greater then your right arm (the father is greater then I).....your right arm can only know, do and communicate what your head tells it to, (Jn 8:28) unless it feels pain and then it lets the head know..."i do not like this" the hand wants to pull away from the needle but your head tells it no stay there it if for the best. (not my will but thy will be done) Jesus is nothing more then that part of God that God considers to be his right arm come in the flesh.

How "Ironic” (hypocritical) that Trinitarians will try to deny the scriptures use of God literally sending His right arm (even ridiculing that) because of its Anthropomorphic implications and yet that is the exact bases for all Trinitarian arguments. It is the anthropomorphic descriptors that the Trinitarian hypocrites try to use as reasons for arguing a demand for multiple/three different persons of God (ie. had to be multiple persons so that God was not praying to himself et al. The Question must be asked, “How many other Gods is there for the one God to pray [or swear] to?!?! God could swear by no greater then Himself, nor could their be any higher authority to hold God to his own oath...!?!) God is one person who only sent a part of himself called his right arm via a physical birth ergo called his son to teach us how to live pray, suffer and die to HIMSELF!?!....well, he certainly did not come to teach us how to pray and die to some other god????.....

Pg 83…SECOND: Lk 22:42 . Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless NOT MY WILL, but thine, be done. 43. And there appeared an angel unto him from heaven, strengthening him. ……………There are two different wills here so must be two different persons right? But the answer is far more simple then requiring a multiple personal headed god!?!
That part of the spirit of God that is connected to flesh is distinct from the rest of the spirit of God that is not connected to that flesh thus the distinction between them as well as how the spirit of God wars against the flesh of GOD ..Example:


Mat 26:41: the SPIRIT indeed is willing, but the FLESH is weak.

Rom 8:1 walk not AFTER the FLESH, but AFTER the SPIRIT…… 5. For they that are after the flesh do mind the THINGS OF THE FLESH; but they that are after the Spirit the THINGS OF THE SPIRIT.

But What fool would suggest that since my flesh and the new spirit inside of me are contrary to each other and want different things must mean that I am multiple different persons!?!? When someone goes to put a needle in my arm IT REACTS to pull back but my head tells it no stay there it is for the best….but only a fool would try to conclude that my right arm is a different person..even though it has “a will of its own” (see also the flesh lust agains the spirit and visa versa).. A distinction between the desires or “will” of the spirit and the desires “will” of the flesh or what the spirit wants and what the flesh wants does not make for different persons!?!

The only coherent and consistent way to apply all the scriptures is in and with the allusion to head and right arm the head that scriptures make just as your right arm is you and you are the head of your right arm it is with you and is you. The issue is not what God could do or what “great things” you can image that God could do, but rather what did God say about his self, His nature and how did God describe it. The Fact that God can do more then you image is not a valid argument for why God did everything you suggest in spite of what he clearly stated!?!

Mat 27:46:46. And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, MY GOD, MY GOD, WHY HAST THOU FORSAKEN ME?

This is truly an ironic passage for Trinitarians to attempt to use because Jesus is quoting Himself!?!

1Peter 1:10. Of which salvation THE PROPHETS have inquired and searched diligently, WHO PROPHESIED of the grace that should come unto you:11. Searching what, or what manner of time THE SPIRIT OF CHRIST WHICH WAS IN THEM, when IT TESTIFIED beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow……… 2Peter 1:21. For THE PROPHECY CAME not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as THEY WERE MOVED BY THE HOLY GHOST.

What did that sprit of Christ testify?.....

Psalms 22:1. MY GOD, MY GOD, why hast thou FORSAKEN ME? why art thou so far from helping me, and from the words of my roaring?

Jesus is the creator and God in the OT speaking to the prophets about himself. It was that same Jesus that quoted himself in the OT passages about his own suffering. Pay particular attention to all Psalms references (Lk 24:44)

The argument that tries to say that since Christ committed his spirit to the father at his death proves that Christ must be a different person then the father actually proves just the opposite!. However, it would be just as true to say that the spirit that was in Christ was that part of the sprit of God that God put into flesh and connected to the flesh in a way that the rest of the spirit of God (and thus the rest of God himself) was not. As such, that part of the spirit separated from (died to that flesh and went to the place of the grave called death that He himself had created) ….. On the other hand to claim that Jesus either was forsaken by God and or was a different person then the Father God in heaven leaves Jesus dead to his flesh as well as dead to (and separated from) the father (a physical death/separation as well as a spiritual death/separation from the rest of God) This creates two possibilities for those who argue for multiple different persons, both of which are heresy:

(A) Jesus died and was separated from the rest of God and thus undeniably no matter what linguistic contortions of nonsense you use, created two different gods who were separated from each other and not the same person and no longer "one". They can’t be the same one God (or one being) if they are separated dead and or forsaken to each other!?! The reality s that part of God’s own spirit that came into human flesh also “visited” the place called death/ the grave a place that right arm created in the first place!?

(B) Jesus ceased to be God so that there would only be ONE God.

Thus, once again the very argument that Trinitarians will try to use only condemns them as heretics and leaves them insisting that those are not the only possibilities because “with God all things are possible” (never mind that God is not the author of confusion and self contradictions either) or chalking up the incoherence of the arguments to: “Yea, can you believe it? Our God is such an awesome God” (he is and is not a different gods all at the same time!?!; We are pious [fools] because we don’t put limits on what God can do [no matter what God himself said about himself])

So to say that God cannot die is purely a matter of perspective it depends on what you mean by God died. In any case, it is God’s (possessive) son because that human flesh born into this world via women is a son (it is not a daughter) and belongs to God. It is God and no other person then the person who said he would send that part of himself that he considers to be his own right arm to animate/give life to that human flesh. Ergo: Son (male, son of man/women) of (belongs to) God. The idea that Jesus is a different person then the person who sent that part of himself into male human flesh born son of man is simply blasphemous! In any case, understanding “WHO” (what person) this Jesus is has everything to do with who and what God you serve.

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