Holiday warm-up

in #relax6 years ago


When Mrs Davis realised I was going to be in Birmingham yesterday, she couldn't bear a whole 24 hours without me, so booked a hotel for last night and got on a train :) We're going away for a week next weekend so this was a kind of hotel warm-up for us after, oooh, months since the last time.

I was quite relieved not to have to rush down home at the end of a long day at @steemcampuk. I met her off her train at 6pm and then she needed some shopping time before everywhere shut! Then we had a nice dinner at the hotel and soon I was snoring.

I was glad to see a kettle and coffee in the room, even if I didn't want to use it this time. I don't always insist on having coffee in my room, but if there isn't something like that I get very grumpy.

Breakfast was entertaining. When I sat down, I realised that the knife and fork on every table were crossed on the napkins. Now I don't know about you, but I remember this being bad luck! I imagined a conversation with the Spanish waitress: "Me: This is really bad luck where I come from. Her: Oh, where do you come from? Me: Here!!!" I find it odd when people have breakfast on their way out - bringing their luggage into the restaurant. It's funny what different habits people have. Then there was a guy who wanted to know everything about the menu. Are the Eggs Benedict free range? When the waitress was not immediately sure, he decided that she didn't understand and launched into an elaborate mime of hens in different sizes of cage. She said she'd ask the chef.

I looked out of the window - Birmingham's not noted for its great views, and this is one of the poorer ones. All of the buildings around here are about the same age as me, I thought. The hotel's on a roundabout, but in Birmingham, that's not so unusual.

I remember when all this was new and now it's old, what does that mean about me?


I remember the big fuss when spaghetti junction was built and being really disappointed when we drove over it, as you don't get the effect when you are actually on it! At least I think I remember it being built. Maybe I am remembering stories about it. Gets harder to tell the older you get @lloyddavis! 😂

I've just booked a hotel so I can stay in London overnight next weekend when I go to the crypto fair. I'm dragging John along, although rather than going to the fair he's going to the Natural History Museum to look at some antique canoes! 😁

Hope you enjoy the rest of your holiday rehearsal. Have fun!

Enjoy your life and live in peace.

Very good post ..

Enjoy your stay very much, I find it funny how you are going! deserved vacation

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