It is a complex thing to pinpoint why a woman is not conceiving. Generally there is no single factor, but a combination of things. We are going to be looking at some of the factors in general.


Fear that the kids will be just like them no difference e.g. (behavior issues, abilities or lack thereof; genetic issues any kind of inner self hate could do this)

Thinking that they won’t be good parents to the children.

And, here’s another “sweet treat”, to depress us even more: “The ability to conceive may be affected by exposure to various toxins or chemicals in the workplace or the surrounding environment.

Shared life goals that don’t match up with a parenting life.

Problem of Infertility which most women have the fear without consulting their doctor rather they go to the pharmacist and buy fertility drug.

Low sex drives or a sexless marriage. It reduces sperm mobility and transfer. Reproductive Physiologist, Joanna, informs that Water based lubricants often have glycerin (which has been shown to be toxic to sperm) and propylene glycol both of which are highly hyperosmotic. This results in irreversible damage to sperm and a loss in motility after exposure to commercial lubricants. Damage to sperm and subsequent inability of the sperm to penetrate into the cervix following contact with lubricants may prevent conception in some couples. Women may carry the baby, but it takes two to tango. Twenty to 30 percent of infertile couples discover fertility factors on the man's side. Another 40 percent find infertility factors on both sides.
Another thing you need to know: male infertility rarely has symptoms that are observable without a semen analysis, which is a test that measures the health of the semen and sperm. When you do see the doctor, make sure you are both tested together.

Not having vaginal intercourse often.

Use of protection because of one partner having an STD they don’t want to pass along.

Waiting for the right time, which you don't know when.

Experiencing pregnancy or child loss in the past and not being emotionally ready to try again.


Emotional turmoil in the marriage.

Medical issues (possibly kept secret) that may make pregnancy a risk to the mother.
I mean the list goes on and on, but I’m sure you get the idea. There’s really no one answer to this question because there are so many differing reasons, and many of those have very little to do with one another.
Studies have revelaed that women who don't get sufficient amounts of iron may suffer from lack of ovulation, a condition called anovulation. This results in poor egg health, which can inhibit pregnancy at a rate 60% higher than those with sufficient iron stores in their blood.


This are just few of the factors. Please i encourage all ladies to be prayerful, problems are bond to happen but the only thing you need to solve those problems is your knees on the ground and cry to the doctor of all doctors, who is capable to solve all problems and able to give you a new womb.

It is well.

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