in #relationships8 years ago

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Love with 1 single “soul mate” has never really made sense to me. The idea of finding that 1 person meant for you for LIFE… That one person that makes you wanna throw up to even imagine them not being there with you forever. Out of the trillions of people on earth i have to find that one person Who's willing to accept me and love every flaw about me. I don’t know if i entirely feel like there is such a thing. I’ve noticed there’s usually a cycle, live love learn. It cycles over and over and that is how we become who we are. That’s how we begin to learn what we want and need. If you never experience the most you can, you’ll never be the best you can be.
Is finding multiple people to fulfill all your needs wrong or selfish? Or is it caring and smart to not expect one partner to be responsible for all your needs and desires?
I don’t want to cut my expansion. I believe in free love and i know in this life i will love many types of people. Have many people show love for me and vise versa. Love without limits.

I wrote this around 5 years ago. Since then I've tried the route of free love and also polyamory. I will admit, it was fun for a while but i soon started loosing who i was. I was so confused about what i wanted and needed from a lover. Even questioned what my future would become.
My individual energy was never enough for a partner and made me feel worthless.
I can tell you now that i have been in a committed relationship with the same man for 3 years now and i believe i have found my soulmate! Believe me, we are not perfect, but we perfectly complete one another.
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I can totally understand the questions behind the soulmate idea, but I do believe in it. I guess I could justify my beliefs about my wife and I being soulmates with the fact that we've been together since we were teens so we grew up together. We've created a bond that I simply can not imagine not having anymore. I don't know if that would count as soulmates to everyone, or just people who never spent enough time with anyone else, but I know how we feel and we believe we were meant to be where we are now together.

That's awesome! It's true, Its hard to believe in true love until you truly find it.

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