
Hi #souldelas, thanks for your question.
If you click on the URL at the top of my page you will see one aspect of what we are doing, along with building our 2nd school here in Bali, helping 1,200 underprivileged kids here, running monthly retreats, writing, publishing, TEDx Speaker, the list goes on.
And you, what is your contribution to a better world

This post looks like spam generated by a bot. I can see from your landing page's "Comments" page that you are just randomly going through posts in your feed, commenting on them just to spam the threads. In the past 5 minutes, you've posted a half dozen or more of these shitposts.

What are YOU doing for a better world? Stop spamming. You just got flagged.

Wise Gandalf. What happens when we got flagged?

If you had any humanity, you would take the rebuke to heart and consider changing your ways to treat people with respect. This is not a computer game. These are real people who you are affecting here with your spam.

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