Buying Temperature 2018 [Dating Equivalent of a Pump & Dump Scheme] + Why It Doesn’t Work | Infinite Man Dating

Mike Diretto | Infinite Man Dating

"Do you have the right goal?

Forget pickup artistry, it's dead! It should have been dead in 2005!

Your goal should be to become a man who knows himself, respects himself, treats people well, knows who he is, knows what he wants, and knows specifically what it is he's trying to find in a woman.

Only then will you man the hell up and and become the person who you really ought to be."

Those are Sasha's words - spoken YEARS ago but we still have to remind people of this regularly because there is still SO MUCH BULLSHIT ADVICE out there from larger companies with bigger marketing budgets and less-than-enlightened intentions.

What's up Infinite Man? Mike Diretto here to talk to you about the old school pickup concept of buying temperature and why this is NOT a useful concept if you're trying to do authentic dating.

If you're not aware of what the the concept is, buying temperature generally refers to a woman's willingness to sleep with you. Usually buying temperature is used in reference to a situation where you're out at night with a woman and you're trying to take her home and you're doing a lot of things to encourage her to want to come home with you.

Her receptiveness to this idea is considered to be her buying temperature. So if she has a high buying temperature it means that you are likely to to go home with her that night or very soon.

Now there's a couple issues with this...

For one a lot of people focus on it as if it's a really important thing - "oh we need to make sure that the girl is all flirty and she's high-energy and she's giving us all these signals and all that other kind of stuff and we need to keep her there!"

God forbid if there's a lull in the action or you stop being entertaining or maybe you have a really long drive back to your place or something like that then her buying temperature is gonna plummet and you're not gonna get laid!

Well this is BULLSHIT!!!

I know this is bullshit through personal experience and I know this is bullshit just by the way that people's minds work. If you are focusing on (as they say) "pumping a person's buying temperature" so high that they're sleeping with you basically off the momentum of the fun that you're having that's all well and good...

But it doesn't HAVE to be that way!

In today's video I explain why buying temperature is nothing to be concerned about. Why and how you can still have awesome interactions with women and still end up in bed together without having to keep this silly concept in your mind.

So if you've still got a bit of old-school PUA corruption going on in your head - or maybe you have a friend who needs a little PUA-deprogramming - click the video and enjoy!

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