The 7 Components of an Amazing Date

Today I am beginning a series on how to have fresh, amazing dates especially beneficial for couples who have been together for awhile but these components are important whether have been dating only for a short period of time or if you have been married for a long time.  Try them out and see if I am right.

Let’s be real “dating” is hard work! Maybe not when you are first dating and you are both trying to get to know each other (and impress one another). But once you are in a relationship, and the newness wears off, then dating gets pushed aside. We can’t let that happen! Dating is one of the most important things a couple can do to strengthen their bond, and dating most be done well in order for us to receive maximum benefit from it.

Below are 7 components that great dates have these are the foundation stones for a superb date. I will break down each component in posts to come, so be sure to check back for practical ideas to spice up your dates.

❤ Hype it up - Make it a big deal. Look forward to it, and let your partner know that you are excited about it. Words like, “I can’t wait for our big date on Friday” and “I’m looking forward to going out with you this weekend” set the stage for something special. 

❤ Remove distractions - Your date night is not the time to pick up the dry cleaning or go to the grocery store. And don’t choose the seat in the restaurant so you can watch the game on the big screen TV (not that I have ever done that). This night is about you and your significant other, and that is ALL it should be about. Also, the airlines have a statement that also applies perfectly to dates: “all electronic equipment should be placed in the off position until we are in the air.” Ok, the “until we are in the air” part probably doesn’t apply, but you get the idea.

❤ Provide a gift - How awesome is it when someone thinks enough of you to give you something unique and special? This is a great way to start off an amazing date. Providing a gift like a flower or a card, or something that is unique to your partner or the relationship, shows that you have been thinking about him/her, and that he/she is special to you. 

❤ Have a flexible plan - How many times have couples been stuck on dates with the “where do you want to go?” question? Make a plan, but be flexible and allow for spontaneity. Making a plan shows it is important, and it gives a track for the date train to run on. Then you can focus your energy on the next three things which are really the most important components.

❤ Laugh - “Those who laugh together, stay together.” I don’t know if anyone important ever said that, but it makes perfect sense to me. Have you ever not liked someone that you can laugh with (genuine laughter, not the courtesy laugh)? Every date should include laughter.

❤ Communicate - I’m suggesting more than just talking about “how was work?” I mean connecting on a deeper level. Authentic, honest dialogue about what is really going on inside. Give each an opportunity to express, and practice active listening to hear from the other’s heart. 

❤ Snuggle - I’m risking by using the word “snuggle,” I know, but who doesn’t want to end a date in the arms of their love? I’ll tell you who weird people. Every successful date should include some cuddle time.

Am I missing something very important to a successful date? What else would you add?


A man should always pay for a woman's dinner and night out. It's part of being a gentleman. :)

I think you're right. You are a real gentleman)

Thanks. I will add, a guy should not expect sex either. It should happen naturally. After you get to know the person.

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