The Altruistic and the Psychopath [Relationship Review]

in #relationships8 years ago

The Way You Are Is What You'll Receive In Others

During a period of perpetual distress, I sought out human connection and interaction, and as a result of my incredibly negative, emotional circumstances, someone like this girl was attracted to me, to my future detriment. Many of you know I'm Swedish and that I've had a tendency to make fun of "my" people, so it was very "cool" to date someone not Swedish from a completely different place in the world. At the time, I was under the impression that a man shall struggle to win the girl and overcome any obstacles that hinder you from obtaining her. That may be true to some extent, but to endure 10 consecutive calls for break-up before you've even met is hardly what the phrase is referring to, which is what I was exposed to. Despite that, I kept on going. Today I would've discarded her like just another repulsive girl, but it was a different time for me back then, and so I continued my struggle to be with her.

This is pretty much the face she made during her emotional outbursts, which included heavy name-calling and insults. A very punch-worthy face that in hindsight you'll almost certainly regret not having punched. - mus


Pathologically Contradictory

"You just want to fuck me!" is what I heard as she busted out her emotional drivel, not once taking into account that I had explicitly made it clear I did not want to have sex, for I am a man of integrity and will not engage in sexual activity the moment after I meet a person. The fact that it had been more than a month since we started seeing each other and that we hadn't done it yet didn't seem matter to this female spawn of the deepest hells on planet earth. She kept on saying it as if we existed as a copy in some parallel universe in which we were busy fucking each other's genitals dry. Since she clearly was wrong about my alleged desire, the only thing she achieved was to make me less interested in said claim. Also, it was her that had been all over me a few days after we met, so saying I'm the one who only wants to bang her cannot be anything less than psychologically projection, which is, of course, also something she does not take into account and put zero effort in investigating.

A similar smile could often be seen on her face after she so blatantly and unjustifiably insulted me. If you ever spot a smile like that on the face of any female within your proximity, toss a bunch of milk cartons at her and run. - mus


Insane facts:

  • When given attention, she does not call you. Ever. When not being given attention, you wake up to seeing 100 missed calls and occasionally she comes to visit you despite having told you she will never come to see you again.
  • She is allowed to say things to you that you're to her. When turning it around and saying the exact same things, she goes into panic mode acting oblivious to the fact that she just said it to you followed by pathetically bursting into tears.
  • When I caught her lying about something very essential (not cheating), she said she kept on lying for the two years she lied about it because she "didn't wanna disappoint me by revealing that she had lied". So according to her, telling me she had lied was worse than letting me believe something extremely crucial and deal-breaking about her for two years!

I am guilty of having spent my time with such a person. One day with her is a day too much. Yes, but one can only use one's past as light orbs in the tunnel leading towards yet more and more self-knowledge, self-growth and awareness. This is the journey, and you can use the actions, behaviors and relationships that you highly regret as future indicators which, if fully understood and worked on, will absolutely make it close to impossible to end up in similar situations in the future. I'm way past this one, but I know that so many out there marry these kinds of creatures and often even spend the rest of their lives with them. In my experience, it is better to be completely on your own than give them even a second of your time, because all that is you will be turned to ashes. It's simply a matter of time.

Relaxed eyes, slightly opened mouth, indifferent facial expression: If you're exposed to this horrible attempt in seduction, which looks more like some kind of ghost girl trying to suck out your soul, then calmly leave the premises before you lose your innards. - mus 



Ethnicity: Slavic cow

Age: In her 20's, but has the psychological age of some toddler

Smoker: Yes, like an emotional locomotive

Does fitness: Of course not; her task is to be as unfit and unattractive as possible

Is responsible: You're kidding, right? ;)

Is on time: If being late by 6 hours is being on time, then yes! She's always on time! :)


Level of Attraction: 5/10 - Her efforts in coming across presentable is the equivalent of jumping into a pool of poop

Responsibility level: 1/10 - "Lost" my favorite jumper and some expensive protein powder

Communication skills: 1/10 - Using popular phrases of some cliched idiot, she keeps stressing the the same, boring bullshit as that of an illiterate Facebook commenter

Education and Experience: 10/10 - First and last time I as much as talk to something like that beast ever again. Lesson learned.

Price: minus 5/10 - 2 years of your life forever lost in time, emotional energy depleted, high hopes down the drain, mood shot to sunshine 10 times a day, creating a lingering feeling of dread and apathy. However, if you have a time-wasting, masochistic fetish, then this is definitely for you! Although if you do, you're sick too.

Score: minus 100/10 (Malignant Cunt)

Summary: Sitting down eating a fresh can of tuna is way more psychologically and emotionally stimulating than spending 5 seconds with this complete fuckin' hellspawn. She had all the chances in the world to change her ways in her behavior, and when I say that I'm referring to things such as not stealing my cellphones, not spending time with "girlfriends" that casually beat her up on her birthdays,  , and in general acting as if life is Groundhog Day, throwing the exact same emotional meltdowns every freakin' day as if it will change anything. I'm glad that what could've been many years was only 2. I'm glad I never had intercourse as I believe my dick wouldn't  like me very much today, had I actually gone through with it. Then again, I wasn't even able to get it up, because by then she had already shown what kind of sick person she really was, so all attraction had already been depleted when there was opportunity for sex. I like my dick. It's virtuous and does not seek sexual relations with bad people, and for that I will not betray him, for he is my shepherd; I shall not want said bitch. Needless to say, it was educational, and despite all the negatives stated above, I learned more during this relationship than I did all my teens. That doesn't mean that one should enter into such a relationship; you definitely shouldn't, in my strong opinion! Just watch Desperate Housewives or Friends and it'll teach you everything you need to know about who not to date, so it makes experiencing it for yourself redundant. My personal self-growth and self-knowledge was blooming within this relationship, her shit acting as a incubator of an inner world, but it is still not reason enough to spend time with them, but it's important to see what you've gained. Otherwise you might implode.

The Most Terrible Fate Of Any Man!

Note: Of course, if you are needy, you get a needy girlfriend, i.e. it is my responsibility at the end of the day. However, I did not hold enough knowledge about relationships in order to make proper judgement, and I didn't care due to being emotionally broken down. It's not rocket science, and due to my then self-esteem level, etc, she was pretty much all I could get at the time, and her me, unfortunately. So again, my responsibility, yes, but this post is supposed to be a review rather than a personal psychoanalysis.

- mus

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