Mastering Dating

in #relationships6 years ago (edited)

photo_2018-05-09_21-18-25.jpgWe all know how to talk, but do we know how to communicate? Keep In mind its not what you say its how you say it. Words have a powerful influence in people and they can mark their lives. I remember something that my mom told me when I was little, “ You can cause more damage with words than with weapons”. When it comes to dating we make many mistakes, talking to much is definitely one of them. The less you say the more attractive and appealing you become. Build mystery by not saying to much, trust me, it will make you lot more interesting. Another mistake lot of people make when they go out on a first date is not listening, interrupting and not paying attention, its very annoying. I get you, if its someone dreadfully boring and dumb, be polite and make a quick excuse to leave, but if is someone unique, take your time and don’t rush. Mastering the art of listening is not easy, but it works wonders. Not only you can actually get to know the person who’s talking but by doing so, they will be more interested in you, because they are getting attention. I recently did a survey of 5 questions to men from the age of 20-50, about relationships and women. It was very interesting in listening to what they had to say and some of them even walk away, sometimes from a very hot girl.photo_2018-05-09_21-18-20.jpg(image from google, LovePanky)

The answers didn’t surprise me at all. During many years of dating and talking to my girls, I totally understand the guys point of view. Ladies, for the love Of God!, avoid the ranting!, it isn't hot its a penis blocker. Stop looking at social media and what some stupid celebrity said or wears .. its not interesting, trust me, the only thing the guys hearing is, “blah, blah”, .. "damn I wish she would shut up already , I would put my bleep!! in her mouth right now”... sounds funny, but that’s what they are thinking. Keep it simple ladies. A top one is to be CONFIDENT, there’s nothing more attractive than a confident woman. You don’t need to have the body of a super model, but if you have the confidence and that sexual appeal, you will turn heads. Guys like a independent women, a girl that can take care of herself that has brains and also can be fun to be around.photo_2018-05-09_21-47-52.jpg Honesty is important also, be yourself!!!, don’t pretend and don’t lie to try to impress its just stupid. Taking care of your appearance is crucial. I hate to hear this..,"if he really likes me he won’t care how I look “, Really?, come on!. Look at how animals do their mating rituals, they are always more attracted to the strongest, colorful, biggest animals.photo_2018-05-09_21-18-08.jpg (image from

With that said, If you don’t love yourself, how can you expect others to do so? Take care of your appearance, and that includes you both!!!!. Once you get the guy, there’s something you should avoid or he will run away. Whatever you do, do not bombard him with texts, keep it simple. Playing hard to get not always works, it sends the wrong signals to a guy that maybe you are not interested and eventually he will move along. photo_2018-05-09_22-05-43.jpgJust be simple and sexy when you text, flirt if you must. He will play along. With all this being said, my advice to you, is to be Confident, humble, fun and always remember to be yourself and you will find your half.photo_2018-05-09_22-19-37.jpg(my friend Jackie and her fiance)

Good luck out there. By the way English is not first language, so sorry for the "spanglish" .


hello friends I hope they are good as your post, is very good and great and the image too, you can count on my vote and my comment, without anything else to say I say goodbye for NOW your friend @manduto are wanted

It is. This is the reason why Lot of people can’t hold on to anyone.

.. "damn I wish she would shut up already , I would put my bleep!! in her mouth right now”.. i laugh a lot when i read this, by the way i wrote too about dating ( disaster dates) and yes communication is really important and i agree with your tip be yourself but i add not too much or he can run away :P

Thanks!!! Lol. I had fun writing this post. Most of my friends are guys , so I guess that gives me an advantage? In how they think... lol

You did well with the English. Love the photos. What advice do you have for someone who's afraid of girl's and afraid of going on dates? Write on that and tag me man.

Gracias mil!. I’ve many advices. But I’m definitely writing a post about how to talk to girls 👌

i wanna come back to my past, and make a dating with someone like you

Aww that’s sweet. Where you from?

Indonesia, 27 years old, already have 2 cute babies 😂😂

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I had no idea English wasn't your first language until I got to the end of the post, you did a great job, and great post as well. Definitely advice I think more people should take.

Thanks!, that means a lot. I like to help others 😌


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