
Do not give me this BS.
By this piece alone I can see that you are smarter than 80% of the population. So I am damn sure your know and understand the pain I am talking about. The pain of being smarter...and that you can do next to nothing to change that, nothing to change the fact that you see just a tiny bit more of the truth that surrounds you/us!!!

Being so smart, why did you call my questions BS instead of answering them? You also claim to know not only my understanding but my emotional state caused by that understanding (pain), yet you and I don't know each other very well. That's confusing to me.

There are many, many different types of "smart." Emotional intelligence, social intelligence, book smarts, street smarts, etc, etc. I'm confused why you see it so clearly and can put a number like 80% on it.

You asked me to explain (politically correctly) 'Why I consider myself smarter than XX% of the population"
Nice! Thanks for asking!
... But You Do realize that even the smartest one (whoever it is in your view - Einstein, Moses or Newton), will be a total and utter joke trying to prove that for himself... and you asked a pure mortal as me to do it??????

You're making a claim you know you can't prove (and maybe very few people can), but you're still confident in your claim? I'm trying to understand where that confidence comes from and why you seem so justified in it based on the language you're using here.

Most of the smartest people I've ever met understand just how little they know and are the last person to claim to be smarter than others. Every professional scientist I've talked with, as an example, falls in this category because though they may be incredibly well versed on a very specific focus, they realize how much there is know on even the smallest niche and therefore conclude they know very little and really aren't all that smart because so many people all over the world know so much more than they do given how many different niches exist.

I guess what I'm hoping for is a little humility. Maybe your loneliness and sadness doesn't come from your supposed position of superior intelligence, but your lack of humility which makes you unapproachable to others. Most people appreciate others who are vulnerable and willing to be corrected. Again, there are many types of smarts and intelligence. Emotional and social intelligence may be areas you could learn more from others on. That's not a criticism of you, it's just my opinion based on the interactions I've personally had with you.


Totally not worth you time, doctor!

I'm not a doctor. I think everyone is worth time until they show otherwise.

you already have formed you expert opinion.... even if you do not quite remember how, when or why...

No, I haven't. If you recall, I started my dialogue with asking questions so I could better understand you and your perspective to better inform my opinion (which is not an expert one). You have not answered my questions which is something most intelligent people I know are happy to do because they enjoy teaching others.

sorry for daring to post in it

Please don't feel sorry for posting. Everyone should feel comfortable engaging, even with people who may not agree with or understand them. That was the point of my post.

  • Where did I claim to KNOW more than other people? "Professional Scientist " or not?
    -" Emotional and social intelligence may be areas you could learn more" - sure, you are the doctor here (in this post/comments realm I mean)
  • "based on the interactions I've personally had with you." - remind me - where have we met???

Where did I claim to KNOW more than other people? "Professional Scientist " or not?

@james-show: Did I misunderstand these comments?

I am not as stupid as them.
Being smarter

As for this:

"based on the interactions I've personally had with you." - remind me - where have we met???

We've only met here on Steemit, as far as I know. By "I've personally had with you" I mean on comment threads like this one. I could dig through the blockchain to find other comment threads which have led to my opinion, but it's probably not worth it.

Totally not worth you time, doctor!
It is you your thread (sorry for daring to post in it) and you already have formed you expert opinion.... even if you do not quite remember how, when or why...

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