What does your relationship breaking up show you about yourself?

in #relationships7 years ago (edited)

In this video I share a session I had with a lady recently about a pattern she was witnessing playing out in her life, which was a pattern of ending her relationships over always the same "issue".

Her most recent break-up rang a bell with her and she realized how each time she had ended a relationship previously was because of the same issue that caused this recent break-up. This made her wonder that perhaps the real "issue" hadn't been so much the relationships or her ex-partners. Maybe the issue is who she is inside of herself and the patterns she's created in their own mind which have been causing her to see, perceive and react to things in a specific way, always ending up creating the same situations and scenario's.

She had a QCK session with me to find out what it is in her own mind that has been causing this pattern to play out over and over again in her life. Through QCK we were able to pinpoint exactly how she creates the perceptions and experiences which cause her to eventually put an end to the relationship. She realized that it never really had much to do with the other person, but more with deeper layers of her own mind influencing and forming how she sees, perceives and reacts to her reality.

In the session we then looked at which solutions she can apply and live to start changing this pattern and start building on relationships rather than giving up on them.

Thanks for reading.

Kim Amourette
Quantum Change Kinesiologist


Reminds me how it is always easier to take something apart than to put it together.

lol yes nicely put, it's easy to give up on things rather than look for solutions or different approaches to issues

Framing is everything really...it'd be nice to know more but I guess you can't share too much on here?

Sure I can, there's no secrets to what I do. Is there anything in particular you'd like to know more about?

I loved this video Kim. The problem is most of these internal problems are hard wired and v.difficult to change. NLP and hypnosis can be a great help, but it's a really tough gig for those trying to help. I truly appreciate what you do :)

Thanks for your feedback mindhunter and indeed these patterns are hardwired since childhood as they are mostly how we've learned to "cope" with situations, emotions and people. The person in the session I shared about in the video told me "I had done more for her in one session than any psychologist had even come close to in a span of years". Simply with assisting her to see deeper into her own mind, she could see she isn't as powerless in relation to her own mind and experiences as she thought.

Most don't even know how those paths were layed down in the first place, as it was so long ago. That is why I like hypnotherapy. It can remove these blocks that your not aware of :)

Interesting. To be honest I don't have any experience with hypnotherapy. Perhaps it's similar to what I do. When I think "hypno" I think "unconscious" lol meaning that it's not a conscious process you go through in becoming aware of those blocks, but as I said I have no experience with it so what do I know.

I'd like to study it, as I have done self-hypnosis and regularly use the state to fall asleep quickly at night. If I ever make a whale on here one day, then that is my dream Kim :)

cheers to that dream mindhunter!

I have a song called, Catch 22...Over and over, again and again, the same mistakes, this is insane.......it's the eternal occurrence​....

lol Our world and reality will definitely show us, through repeating the same scenarios, situations and experiences over and over again, that we need to start looking at how we ourselves might be creating our own lives in more ways we'd like to admit or realize. Thanks for the comment

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