Save your relationship with... Couple's Kindle Cards!

in #relationships8 years ago

I know I know, it sounds like an advertisement... and it kind of is. But, not because I am being compensated in any way but because I believe this can actually help!

I realize relationship advice is not the most popular tag on the Steemit platform, but I don't really care, I'm going to share this anyways and hopefully some guy or gal out there can glean some useful information from it.

A couple months back my mom decided she would send my significant other and I what she decided was a useful couple's development game. Not because we were in dire need of it, although we probably were more so than we both realized, but because any relationship out there could use a little strengthening from time to time.

We had just had our first child together and her son, my stepson, was just starting the 3rd grade. Needless to say we had a lot of responsibilities that didn't really involve us getting to spend a lot of time together. Viola! What better time to open up the relationship strengthening game that my mother had sent us!?

Enter... "Couple's Kindle Cards"

Basically it is a deck of cards that you draw from each week. On each card is a word or phrase. Once you draw your card, you look it up in the handy little booklet that they give you and there is a page dedicated to describing each card and what you must do once that card is drawn.

For example, on the first day we drew the card: "Game Night"

Then we went to the booklet and looked up what Game Night would entail. Basically it meant that for that week we needed to dedicate at least one night of the week where we would put the kids to bed early or send them off with a friend so that we could spend the evening playing a game just the two of us. It is a time where we turn of the phones, computers, and TV and just enjoy each other's company doing something fun to take away some of the stresses of every day life and help strengthen our relationship.

For us, we were actually able to have a couple game nights during the week. We played poker together with our stepson and we also ended up building a giant puzzle together. The puzzle didn't quite get finished but it was nice taking a couple hours just doing something like that together.

The next week we drew the card: "Nature is Calling"

(This is what the booklet looks like by the way)

After consulting the booklet, this card meant that we were supposed to spend at least one night of the week going on a walk together or enjoying a picnic together. Just anything that involved just us two going out and enjoying some form of nature together. With the Arizona temperatures finally cooling off it was the perfect time of year for evening walks or a dinner on the porch (minus the pesky mosquitos).

As of today, we aren't anywhere near finished going through the deck just yet. In fact we have only gone through a couple cards thus far, but just reading through them and looking them over it is easy to see how this will do nothing but strengthen your relationship and help you remember to take time with the ones that are the most important to you.

Thank you for reading and remember to spend time with the ones you love, you never know how much time you have left with them! Life is short!

Live well my friends!

All images used in this post are my own.

Follow: @jrcornel


Amazing post! The card idea is great and the advice is very meaningful.

Thank you! It is more of personal post for me, hopefully it is able to help someone else as well :)

I love using Oracle Card Decks to assist my life's journey. They are always spot on when I seek advice from them. Just saying.... ;-)

Interesting... thanks for reading!

This is kind of a cool idea. For any level of relationship, new or old. Resteemed.

Yes, I agree! Thank you for reading and resteeming!

Resteemed!! Loved the post and it's a cool tool to use to get our relationships spiced up again. Thanks for sharing.

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