Ten years and still having fun

in #relationships8 years ago (edited)

I just can't believe how fast life goes by.

Ten years ago, my husband and I were just getting on our feet as a new couple. In fact, our anniversary is coming up on the 19th, and it's the ten year milestone mark, but really we have been together for eleven.

I wanted to talk about marriage (or any long-term committed relationship), and how it is transformative. It is the best and the worst thing you can do, simultaneously. Nothing (excluding having children) will challenge you more. No one will break your heart more than your spouse. In the same breath, no one can help you complete yourself like your spouse.

We are all seeking completion. I believe this is what we are here to do - we need to burn off our karma kredits, so to speak, and our pain (emotional or otherwise) is an indicator of a karmic debt being paid. I could go on and on about karma, but for the sake of staying on topic, I will spare you. :)

My husband had been a perfect mirror into which I can see myself. He is clever, and kind, and so very intelligent. He is hard working and even keeled, even though he doesn't see how awesome he is. He is also very handsome and quite charming. But he is also very tough and has no patience for my bullshit. We all have bullshit, no one is without it. And he shows me mine with a clarity that no other person on this planet is able, and on top of that he loves me anyway. I consider myself to be very, very lucky.

Ten years. It has been an adventure. We've hurt each other deeply, we've hated each other but we have also loved each other throughout. He still continues to challenge me, not with threats but with the very essence of who he is and that is a real blessing. This man of mine is not an abusive type, so please do not confuse anything here. I see this only because I have eyes to see it, and my eyes are ever pointed into my own inner, yet vast, universe.

I love him for his faults. They rub well against mine, grind them away. Like a whetstone against a blade, making it sharper, cleaner, better. 

I love him for his strengths. They magnify my own. Like a lens focusing the light, it always creates a bright spot.

And finally, I love him because he is at his very core a wonderful person. I have never known anyone like him. He is my best friend, my confidant, my protector and my lover.

Here's to another ten years and more. 

Love you, darling.

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