How to be more affectionate

in #relationships7 years ago

Affection is a physical expression of feelings. It is usually associated with love and long-term relationships because a steady stream of affection can make people closer. Studies have shown that children who receive high levels of caressing affection as children had lower levels of stress.Other studies have shown that relationships that have higher rates of physical affection report more relationship satisfaction.

Method One of Three:
Increasing Affection with Touch
Image titled Be More Affectionate Step 1

Recognize discomfort. Some people are uncomfortable with touch because of personality, family history, intimacy issues or trauma. This can make it difficult to initiate or enjoy displays of physical affection, such as caressing, hugging, holding hands or cuddling.
Deal with your fears regarding intimacy and connecting physically with another person. Accept that you are afraid, and find out where it’s coming from. It can be helpful to realize that your fears are probably not related to your current partner or events, and to try to move past them.
Talk to your partner and let them know that you are uncomfortable and why. Ask him or her to be patient. Showing physical affection can be easier as you get to know someone better and deal with the root causes of your discomfort with physical intimacy. Plus, improving communication may lead to a closer and more affectionate relationship.
Talk to a professional about it. They can help you deal with the negative emotions related to your fears and get over your hesitation to show physical affection. If you don’t want to talk to someone, you can write about it in a journal or express your feelings in other ways.
Make showing physical affection a habit. Hold your partner’s hand, touch their shoulder or give them a hug as often as possible. Eventually, showing affection physically will come easier and more natural.

Put your feet together. You can wrap your legs and feet together, play footsie under the table, put your feet in your partner’s lap or vice versa. This connects you physically and keeps you aware of each other’s presence if you are sitting directly across from him or her. Remember, any physical contact that is intended to convey affectionate feelings is a form of physical affection.


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