Three Ways To Heal From A Heartbreak Fast

in #relationship4 years ago (edited)


Nothing pains more than the loss of a loved one. Even if the person is not dead, the feeling of not having contact with him or her can be very overwhelming. It’s excruciating pain. You feel like a part of you has been ripped away. More, you might seem aloof of what is happening around you because of the shoulder upon whom you stand no longer exists.
In real terms, nobody can clearly describe what goes on in his or her system. Feeling dizzy might be one of the easiest symptoms of a breakup.

Who Recovers Faster From A Break-Up

Apart from the many researchers conducted on who usually have the most far-reaching effects of a breakup, people generally believed that the women often get over a heartbreak up faster than the men.

Of course, there can only be one reason for this ¬– women have less or nothing to lose. Compared to their men counterparts, they often do not give much in a relationship. For instance, in Africa here, women often wait until marriage before having sexual intercourse with their spouses. Though there are still many of them who go against this general tradition, the majority do not let men into their legs until marriage.

So when sex is not given, what is it then that the women will lose after a breakup?

The men, on the other hand, must have invested time and money in keeping the lady, spending for her and sometimes her family members as well.

So when a break up happens, he feels the brunt the most. He thinks of – subconsciously – all he had invested in the lady in question and what comes to his mind is regret.

Of course, this is when the person that initiated the break up is a woman. But oftentimes, women are behind most breakups.

Having looked at break up and matters related to it, let’s now look at how you can move on from a breakup.

The 3 Effective Ways To Heal From Heartbreak Fast

As heartbreaking as a break up is, you can recover from it. If you’re committed and determined, you can recover quickly from the wounds inflicted by break up. These 3 simple steps should help you along the way,

  1. Repurpose Your Goals

Maybe your initial goal was to get married to the girl who just broke your heart. You’ve had it all planned out and have even saved well for your wedding ceremony though you haven’t picked a date yet. To get over your heartbreak, re-channel the money and resources into something profitable and consciously connect your mind to your other goals. Move forward and think forward, to still think about a girl no longer yours is thinking backwards. You can’t afford to remain in the past. You owe yourself a great treat, a night chat with friends. Before long, you’d continue to realize how much of the past you’ve left behind – you will be able to think clearly about what’s next in your life.

  1. Think other Girls

Yes, I know this might sound unholy as our hypocritical judgment often teaches us in this part of the world, but who cares? When this is about your heart, the most precious part of you, you go all out to heal it. And one of the drastic steps you can take is to look forward – think other girls. Well, I’m not saying you should start flirting around from skirts to skirts because that would eventually land you in trouble. Though it might bring temporary relief to your worries, what often follows such escapades is a bucketful of regrets. By thinking other girls, you should hang out with them, have some cool gist over chilly Coldstone or shawarma with nice soft drinks and you might feel alright. If done consistently for close to 21 days, chances are you might forget the hurt from your heartbreak quicker than you imagined.

  1. Stay Hyperproductive

Let me tell you. If you’re having a heartbreak and are lonely, the angel of death might be hanging by the door. Research has it that loneliness alone which is a friend to idleness has claimed many lives. So to add insult to an injury is to be lonely when going through a heartbreak. If you don’t have a heart attack, you might suffer from sleeplessness and related symptoms. When you’re idle and lonely, you’d have no power over the influx of thoughts, mostly negative that will flood your mind. You might want to revenge the girl who broke your heart and fill your heart with spite for her. You might even go to the extent of wanting to revoke or reclaim some of the favours you did for her. In short, your brain might be clouded with extremities and hatred and bitterness for her. Chill, just be super productively engaged and, gradually those negative energies in you will wane in no time.

Bottom Line

That a girl whom you loved with all your heart leaves you is not the end of the world. No doubt, it is painful and feels as if the world should cleave apart and swallow you. But wait right there, before you continue to spend all your energies on what’s gone, why not find a way of stepping out of that anger, that sense of loss, so you can move forward. By following the given steps, you can snap out of your heartbreak within the shortest time possible.

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