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RE: If Your Partner Does This 6 Things, He's Playing You For A Fool.

in #relationship5 years ago

Okay, interesting points, and I'm sure they all have their place with their proper amount of truth to them, but looking at them individually I could not help being reminded of my relationship with my wife. In some way or another, each one of your points has applied to us, and most of them still do.
Point 1 is a constant thing that happens to her. Since her work requires her to be available 24/7, it is not uncommon that while we are together we are interrupted with a call or a text, which she must answer immediately. Sure, usually this doesn't happen at the most ungodly hours, but tends to occur when we're together. The most annoying part is that cultural norms have her maintain a 'friendly tone' with her co-workers. So although the conversation is entirely work related, it starts out with a minute of "Hiiiii, how have you beeeeen?" I wish I could say I've gotten used to it, but in fact it's still as annoying as ever.
Point 2 on the other hand, applies to me more. After the first year in our relationship I broke up with her, not because there was anything wrong between us, but because I could not take living in her city any longer. One year was already driving me crazy. And being mature, responsible adults, we knew that a long-distance relationship was completely unrealistic. As it turns out, we didn't need to be committed, as we ended up together anyway.
Point 3, once again, is about me, as I hate going out. I'm not agoraphobic (at least I don't think I am) but whenever I'm surrounded by lots of people and noise (as is typical at a night-club or on any public transport) I tend to get really nervous. My hear-beat speeds up, my breathing becomes forced and choppy, my hands clench into fists, and I start grinding my teeth. Of course at that point the chance for any conversation goes out the window, and soon I find myself looking for an escape out of that horrible situation. This doesn't mean that we never go out, but I always prefer the quiet surroundings of the home. As for not wanting to be seen with her, nothing could be further from the truth.
Point 4 goes back to her and her work. Availability is a luxury, but it's not because there's someone else. It's just that being a highly demanded professional, with a certain amount of ambition, you tend to prioritize work before anything else, including your partner. They (in this case me) can either understand and accept this, or look for someone else. But I am super happy with her, in spite of all the frustration of coming second to her work, I never doubt that personally I am first, as she comes first for me.


That is why love matters too. If there is love, you guys can be patiebt enough to get used to realities of life and your partners personality. Relationship in real life is diff from that of movies as there will always be changes and things coming in between. You guys need to love to stick to each other and grow with each other and learn each other. Trust is important too

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