How unmask a liar

in #relationship8 years ago

One thing is to say an occasional lie not to hurt anyone, or turn from time to time to a small lie to do well in one situation and another, very different, it is to be a liar who comes almost to compulsion. Many women faced with men of this kind, for which the lie is the best solution to all problems. All we want to have the ability to unmask someone like that, so explain how to unmask a liar and not fall into their traps.

There are many types of liars, but one of the main reasons for these types of people is insecurity: fear of what can happen if you speak the truth, the fear of facing that are not what make you think they are and, in general, fear to face the consequences of their actions. The lack of sincerity and honesty in a person is a sign that should be taken into account, because it may also be someone who lies frequently.

The first type of liar, and one of those who require more care, are compulsive, those Mending a lie with another to the point of weaving an unreal world, but they know it is true. Usually these people do not usually remember all the lies they said, so when they ask them about a past event they may incriminate themselves without realizing it.

The liar who is afraid to show it is also known as a liar appearance, speak of a life that does not have: a successful job, a circle of powerful and wonderful friendships, trips that never happened. They are dangerous liars because show themselves as successful people, deceiving the rest; if we are not vigilant, we can fall into the lies.

Of course, the kind of liar we can all say that we have ever been: casual. The gun is a white lie, a lie that was not created with any malice, but it serves to help us do well in any situation. Although, in general, is the least dangerous of all, if this kind of lying becomes a habit is as damaging as any other.

Now that you know what are the basic types of liars, it's good to learn to know when a man is lying. The first thing is that when we say the truth have no problem looking the other person in the face, including the eyes, but to lie there is a tendency to look away, usually right if you are right-handed or left if you are left-handed , a sign that experts recognize as unequivocal.

Lying men can also look at the ground when they are telling a lie or are questioned about anything that they know is not real. Often they flash a lot and you can see a certain discomfort in the eye; so it is very important to be very careful when looking men when they talk to us.

It is also common for them to use their hands to tell lies: liars hide them in his pockets, put behind his body or cross their arms, a bodily gesture that involves a blockage, perhaps motivated by the desire to try to control the truth.

The exaggerated signs, both body and action, are also some of the symbols that identify as experienced themselves of liars. For example, a man who lies often exaggerate much in their gestures when speaking in order to convince the other person. You can also exaggerate his actions being more caring and meticulous with his partner, a way to distract her attention and she realizes that something happened; Furthermore, it is a way of asking for forgiveness when he feels remorse for lying.

Another common sign in a man a liar is the repetition of ideas to give greater emphasis to what they mean and that, somehow, so much repeat becomes real. When we tell the truth do more simple sentences, for example: "Last night I was with Pablo in your home, we saw a very good film." In appearance this is true, but when the mind changes the explanation, and gives a more emphatic tone at certain points: "Last night I was with Pablo in your home, we saw a very good film, we were there just me and him I and Pablo, watching movies, did not do anything more because we were only two of us and we had lazy to do something else. " The idea that only were he and Pablo is repeated often: alert, maybe your boyfriend was not only his friend, so try to strengthen insistently that idea.

It is not easy for everyone to detect when a mind man, but in general, we must be very attentive to his look, his gestures and what he does with his hands while talking, and to explain something is complicated too, repeats ideas or feel fear.

It is also important to remember that when you want to talk something important with your mate do it face to face and not by phone, chat or messages; if you do, you lose the opportunity to see the body language of your boyfriend and to identify any lie, if you suspect it. Remember that experienced liars know how to make voice and nerves do not betray them.

This article is a guide to spot a liar when we suspect it, but it is not an invitation to us to become detectives and we are constantly looking for the way to find out if our companion mind or not. Trust and communication in the relationship is very important and fundamental, and are not present perhaps the best is over and that each follow the path


I got a friend who lies about everything, big crazy, intricate fibby for no other reason then just the thrill of it. I think she's pathogical.

It is very complicated when pathogenic because for him it is real!

I upvote U

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