How to Find and Attract Your One True Love?
You may look around and think that finding and attracting the right man is close to impossible. Everybody seems to be very happy in a relationship apart from you. It seems that you cannot manage. You may be successful in everything you do but when it comes to true love you fail to get one. You are left questioning whether at all as anything as one true love. Think what makes him or her great. He or she may be the one who love you unconditionally.
There may be flaws and imperfection included. There may be things in the relationship that you wont agree but in-spite of all this, he or she will love you. This guy will reciprocate your love for him and even more. The question is whether you will be able to find him.
Even if you find him then next question is how would you attract him and make him stay. It is simple to attract him and make him fall for u and commit for a long term relationship. For this you need to close your eyes and think about that one true love. Imagine him standing in front of u. think how would he be. Think of a possible weekend get away to romantic destination. Think about a conversation that you may have. Think about how it feels when you are touched by him.
The way you feel and hear him in your mind is the way he would be in your true life. It is quite possible to meet someone like him. You may have had a bad experience with your past. But while visualizing your one true love you are actually manifesting him already. The concept of love at first sight is the manifestation before the first sight.
Manifesting is a virtual existence of this true man. Believe in your heart that you can really make this virtual man come to life. The next step for you would be is to change for the better. If you think that it has always been the mans fault then it is the best time for you to look into your self. Nagging him is definitely not going to help. You should remember that a relationship is a two way street that requires both of u to work on it.
Stop your unwillingness and try something new because you still await the best.
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