5 Ways To Save A Relationship That’s Falling Apart

in #relationship4 years ago

Heartbreaks are awful. I know that none of us want to go through it, ever. But, unfortunately, they are a part and parcel of life.

Mental and emotional pain is always harder to get over, than physical pain. In fact, I’m sure that most of us would rather get hit by a car, than have to go through a painful break-up.

Maybe you are someone that has already gone through one failed relationship and you want to make this one last, or maybe this is your first relationship, and you want to find a way to fix things before everything falls apart.

But, also bear in mind that, what was meant to happen will only happen. And even if you are unable to hold your relationship together, after everything has been tried, don’t lose heart, or your mind, for that matter. You will get through it, as much as an impossible task as it may seem.

For whatever reason you are here, searching for answers today, I’ll tell you five things you can do, as a last-ditch effort, to hold your relationship together. You might want to visit Online psychic chat reading live for more.

1)Involve your families or friends

Yes, I know that this sounds very drastic, but, desperate times call for desperate measures.

Most of us wouldn’t like to involve people, because we do not want them to see us at our worst. But realize that there are some things in life, which you cannot go through, alone, and this is one of those things.

Get your friends or your family involved. It’s sufficient, even if it’s just one person. You just need someone in your corner, being your moral and emotional support, and to hold you up, in case you fall.

Make sure that you pick someone neutral for this difficult task. Someone that is capable of playing devil’s advocate, and not someone that will just blindly go along with you.

Ask for their help or input in what to do to fix things. If you’re close with your partners family and friends, talking to them would also be of huge help. Because they would have a better chance at getting through to your partner, especially if you and your partner are no longer communicating.

The bottom line here is, to figure out the reasons everything is falling apart, and have a talk with your partner regarding whether or not they can be fixed and how to fix it.

2)Think about the good times

The most important thing you need to do, while trying to hold together the pieces of a relationship, that is fast crumbling, is to think about why you want to make this work.

You obviously felt that there was something incredible in this relationship that made it worthy enough to try saving, under any circumstance; look for those reasons.

Think about all the reasons you both got together in the first place, all the good times. Think about each other’s good qualities, of the love you both shared and the memories you have made over the years.

Yes, you can always make new memories, with a new person, but remember that you will have to start from scratch again. Go through the entire process of opening your heart to a new person, all over again. Believe me when I say, after a certain point, this seems like too much work.

We all crave familiarity. Nobody likes change, but we are forced to accept it. Now, I’m not saying that you absolutely have to hold on to this relationship, no matter what. If it was toxic to begin with, you wouldn’t be here, reading this right now.

So, look back on all the good things that made you fall for each other in the first place. But realize that both of you, need to do these things. A relationship will never get fixed with just one-sided effort.

3)Couple’s counselling or therapy

This is a giant leap ahead. And this will only work, if both you and your partner are on the same page about trying to work things out.

Many of us have a skeptical attitude when it comes to therapy or counselling. But have an open mind.

Couple’s therapy is of tremendous help. When you can’t figure things out by yourself, why not go to an expert who will help and guide you through it?

Such therapy and counselling, not only teach you how to fix things that are broken, but also helps you understand why it broke, in the first place.

Most of the times, the reason for a break, won’t be one single reason. It would be a barrage of reasons, that kept accumulating over time, and finally pushed you both off the edge.

A professional can help you sort out each of these reasons and advise you on how to tackle them all individually, and as a whole.

If you and your partner truly want to do everything in your power to fix your relationship, sign up for a few sessions of therapy. I guarantee you that you’ll both come out of it feeling better.

4)Look for silver linings

Watching for the silver linings, is good, in any situation, albeit hard.

It takes a lot of positivity and effort on your side to still look at the brighter side of things, when everything is falling apart around you.

But the ability to search for silver linings, is the sign of a healthy mind.

Everything may seem bleak and terrifying at the moment, but know that better days will always come, up ahead. You just have to weather the storm until then, all the while, searching for a rainbow.

You may be at rock-bottom, or hell, sometimes, rock-bottom may even have a basement that we didn’t know about and we would be down there. But remember, there’s only one way to go from here, and that’s up.

5)Hope and pray

If you have faith in a higher power, pray. Many people have found solace in spirituality when life kicks them down in the worst way.

And if you don’t believe in that, hope. Hope is what gets us through life. Never lose sight of hope.


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