
in #relationship6 years ago


We all have varying reasons why we choose to like or fall in love with someone. For some it might be a sense of humour, for another it might be the smile, dress sense, the way the person talks, the intelligence, the wealth, the way we feel around them, the way they make us feel special, the way they are independent or industrious, or it might be their passion or hard work, or energy and for some, it might be the way the person look; attractiveness.

It is true what they say, "Look fades". We need to fall in love with something deeper than just looks. Something that reminds us that this person is worth all the trouble apart from looks. Looks will fade as age and time come into play. Life can happen and that look might just not cut it for you anymore. Go for something deeper than look...something that is inbuilt and not subject to time. It could be their ability, the way we feel around them, the way they push us to be better or anything that we can fan into flames if we see the glow of such light going down.


A lot of people sometimes go for looks. It should be an addition because there is no denying the fact that we get stimulated with the things we see, especially pleasant and attractive things. It is easy to feel drawn with the attractiveness of such a person because we don't see them every hour but with marriage, it is different. With marriage, you see that person every day, you see her without her make up, you see her other parts you wouldn't see when you see occasionally on dates. Everything is in full glare now and looks might not just cut it for you anymore, IF you are with her only because she is attractive.

Told you all i am studying Leke Alder recently and i have this to share from him again:


"Without something of deeper value, the value you attach to your wife’s looks will depreciate with familiarity. Yes, it will spike once every while you have to go out and she dresses up. Also at social functions you’ll appreciate that beauty. Makes you feel cool with yourself. But outside those contexts the value of that beauty drops. You now have too much supply of it. It’s constantly before you. You now have it. It’s fully yours. This is why a man can have a beautiful wife and still go after other women. He’s gotten used to what he has, he’s seeking other excitement." - Leke Alder. be continued...

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.


Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order.



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I always enjoy your insight and depth. This is a must for everyone in a relationship. We need to get our priorities right. Thanks for this.

Absolutely. Thanks a lot for this. I really appreciate it sir.

I'm attractive
Okay, let be goan read the post and comment properly😁

Lmao! You are something else enh. Ofcourse, you are attractive.

Go for something of deeper value @olawalium this is not a message for the men alone.
Thanks for the reminder 👌

Of course, it is for everyone in a relationship. Deeper value rather than ephemeral. Thanks cutie.

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