4 Parenting tips from a CHILDS PERSPECTIVEsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #relationship7 years ago



It is hard being a new parent, I mean you have a new life that you have to take car off, a life that is dependant upon you and therefore to make sure he/she grows up to be an amazing parent you take tips from other parents.

However, doesn't it seem logical that you should take tips from a kid, to help you understand better what a kid goes through.
Every generation is different and therefore to raise a kid in a new generation, different to yours it's only logical to take help from a generation that's closer to your kids.

The 4 Tips

  • Difference of your time, to now - it may not be a surprise to most parents, but it can be a shocker that some parents don't follow this. This is mainly because some parents see this as too much effort and neglect that situation and environments have changed and children will change according to that. The parents of your parents lived in a different time and so will you. Therefore change according to the situation and time, children need parents who can adapt.


  • Friendship - Parents, especially mine tend to forget that parent and children can be friends. This special bond will only increase the relationship between the parent and child. Don't think friends can only be found outside and NOT inside
    To understand your kid, develop on how to be friends with them and in turn understand their likes and dislike. Try to communicate with them in order to help them grow as a person while teaching them. There is only so much a parent and child relationship can do, try to go forward and be their friend.


  • Expression - when I was a kid, it would be very hard for me express things. Because I always felt that my parents would reject me. Majority of kids will have this fear. Tackle this issue immediately and quickly, don't ever in any circumstances become a parent to whom their child cannot express themselves. Because then they'll grow up hiding and not sharing secrets, which may be detrimental to them in the long term.


  • Trust - For any relationship this is a must to have and for parents and children to thrive, a parent must have trust in their child, because it's like trusting yourself. Without trust a relationship will fall apart. If a kid tries to do something new that you think will be a challenge for them and you think they won't succeed in, maybe because you haven't succeeded in when you were in their place. Then it's time to give him up for adoption, because every kid is different and no child is the same as the parent.
    Let them do it and let them fail in it, but minimise the failure where you can, to point where you're not interfering with them.



Being a kid once, I went through a rocky relationship with my parents and it was tough. Because I wasn't the best guy socially as well. However, treating kids after they pass a certain age like individuals really helps them develop themselves and be independent. Impart them your knowledge, whilst treating them as individuals.


The truth is: kids hate to be treated as kids. And in the eyes of the parents, they seem to never grow up.

Not all kids, some kids just want to be treated as...kids :)

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