What made you to try online dating?

in #relationship6 years ago

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Because I am an Introvert.

If I didn't try online dating, I would probably always be single. lol. I don't go out so how could I meet my dream guy?

I realized that I spent most of my time online. Never out going, always indoors and with my phone. I had to give in to dating online and almost all my relationships I have ever had have been online dating. 

Online dating isn't really bad and here are some of the reasons people try online dating(from my own perspective/view).....

Shy: Most people are really shy to meet a person one on one. They do well on the background, online with other people but getting to meet them face to face could be a problem. So, they may like a guy/girl but may not be able to express their feelings to 'em. But with online dating, they actually could.

Time Constraint: Not many people have the time to go out on dates, meeting a person for the first time and getting to know them. They are probably too busy to go out and have to resort to the online world to find a date.

Introverts: Like me and asides being shy, most people are introverts. They are not shy but they hardly ever go out. It will be difficult for such kind of people to actually find a date but with the online space, a date could be possible.

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