There is benefit in mistakes and is only imperfection that makes us beautiful and different from others. You don't agree? Ok! Enjoy this story...

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For real, mistakes are essential part of a healthy relationship, I know you will be wondering what I meant by that because we all want a perfect partner and likewise relationship.

To my story, I once believed that I'm a perfect lady with no flaws and even working towards more been perfect, like get things done on time, never late and always on point. So I felt, when it comes to relationship the guy must also be perfect, so I met this cute guy head over heels in love with each other. Continued with my Mrs perfect attitude and even ready to break laws and even bullet for him just to say I am that perfect girlfriend. I was rigid not flexible at all cos I want everything done very well and work out perfectly.

I never took time to explore who I really am, my flaws and want I really want. This guy showed me who he really was and I was like mehnnnn he is fucked up and I don't think I can live with this. He tried to loosen me up but I felt it wrong and everything has to be orderly. I won't walk hand in hand with him, nor talk to him in public places not even greeting, neither do I call his name, or even tell him wen he is wrong cos I am scared of offending cos I counted it all as imperfect.
We eventually had to call it quit cos I felt we are no longer compatible and it can be frustrating...

Funniest part I don't talk to him intimately cos I felt it's wrong so I handle it myself or tell someone else. So we part ways.
I got into several relationship that wouldn't work out.

I attended seminars and classes as regards building a healthy relationship then it dawned on me that it cant work out while playing Mrs perfect. I explored myself internally and discovered who I really was.... I never knew I was a chatterbox, love going out too and would not mind walking hand in hand with my man how did I get to know this?. I met Jude and he is so loving and caring haven learnt from my past, I began to do things I counted has been wrong to see his reaction and most times it made him love me more, through that I was able to identify his likes and dislikes. We talked intimately (communication) and this really boosted the whole thing, he's not perfect neither am I but we love each other that way 'cos I ve come to realise perfection is good but their are some hidden beauty and fun in mistakes.


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