How long on the average does it really take for someone to be able to finally say I had moved on from a bad relationship?

in #relationship6 years ago

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It actually depends on the nature and experience of such person though. We all differ in certain ways most especially when those who claim to love us break up with us. We show different attitudes depending on the type of person we are.

Experience also plays a great role when it comes to this kind of situation. You can't expect the duration or time period of someone who is in love for the first time to be the same with someone who has already experienced different break up from their loved ones. It is observed that someone new into relationship will surely take longer time than someone who already had the experience.

Also the duration of the relationship also matters a lot because longer time relationships may be so difficult to overcome easily after break up compared to shorter duration relationships.

In conclusion, it actually depends on the individual involved, the number of experience and the duration of the relationship.

Thanks for reading and I hope this helps.

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