To my boyfriend who loves Steemit away too much.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #relationship8 years ago

He's been asking me to write again for weeks. I've been thinking why should I write again? Do I have a purpose or goals? What talk about and who talk to?

It's 1am, I lost sleep, and realized the time is now, the subject is us, and my receiver is him.
By he/him I mean my boyfriend. We've been together for two years now, living together for eight months. This is the first time I live with a boyfriend and so it's his.
I know this is the beggining of a journey where we are going to discover ourselves and adjust ourselves till we fit in each others soul. I love discovering, learning, teaching about life with him. And today I found out something: I want his attention and he can't understand why.

Hi M, you might read this or not, maybe days later, maybe when I don't feel sensitive anymore.

Yesterday I worked the whole day, 10h watching after a baby who was sick, it was a tough day, but I was reliefd I was going to get a lift with you to our home. We met at AF and went to that Asian store we love. I was feeling weird so I really don't remember what we bought.
At home we ended up ordering Chinese [food]. We ate. I went to our bedroom like I do everyday, because after dinner we have our own chilling time, by ourselves. That's when you go to Steemit and I just roll Instagram checking home design and decoration accounts. One hour later I was feeling horribly bad and I ended up puking, to my surprise, you got there in the toilet and helped me with the mess. I found that super lovely, probably one of the most romantic things someone has done to me. Unfortunately my night was awful, and now and then you were around to ask if I was ok. Thank you for that.

This morning wasn't different, we talked for a few minutes before you went to work, and we spent the whole day far from each other, like every regular couple does.

We had dinner tonight, and I went upstairs for more decoration stuff, this time Pinterest. You went to your office and probably went to Steemit.

I called you to check some weird noises in our room, you said "that's nothing" and afterwards "I donated some Steem Money to strangers". I started asking if that was a trap, or how it happened, why it happened, and wishing the strangers the best of luck. You smiled and ran downstairs for more private time.

I kept on Pinterest and also talking to my dad. I didn't tell him I was sick, because I didn't feel like worrying him.

I heard you coming upstairs and I thought that finally we'd have some time for us, so I put my phone over my belly and began to tell you a story about my cousin who also needed my help with weird phone calls. You were laying down in the edge of the bed, with your back to my face, I could only see your back and black underwear, and hear you say "Oh, wow". The funny thing is, the story was not "oh, wow", but I know you enough to understand you weren't paying attention at all to my story. But I insisted and asked "don't you think this story is familiar?". You answered "aha". By then, I knew you were doing anything, but really listening to me.

I am a Leo girl, so I really like talking and being listened. I don't like expensive shit, I don't like top brands - except for clothes soap - I don't want to be around you all the time. But it hurts me a bit that even when we are in bed before sleeping, you can't manage to leave Steemit aside.

We will probably have twenty minutes of chat and then sleep. But sometimes I feel that if I don't have anything of your interest, or something that belongs to your world, it doesn't worth your attention.

I'm writing you to remind that I've been quoted a lot in your Steemit posts, but can we quote less Steemit before bed? Can you actually look in my eyes and show more interest when I talk about a rug or my plans to Brazil? Can you check my memes and see my pictures from yesterday morning when I was walking in the park? Can I show you a new app or just the new folder from a supermarket?

I love your stories, I love your adventures, but can we make mine as relevant as yours? Because I'm quite sure Steemit will always be here. But will our time?

You said I need to appreciate your actions. I surely do, but please, talk to me, this is my favorite action, especially if it's with you.



I sooooooo relate to this Bianca! I know this post is old but I'm amazed noone ever commented on it. I'm glad i found it though. Its very honest and raw. Thank you for sharing those emotions and I hope things are a bit better now.

Oh wow! Nice that you read! Well, things got a bit better yes, but he still talk about Steemit all the time haha I just warn him when I want a break about it, that helps! There goes a tip :)
Thank you so so much Sylvia!

There's a new tag used specifically for couples who are both on steemit: steemit-couples. Might be cool to use if you are sharing a common story between you and @exyle
As for us, still struggling to find a balance... now that I've finally joined (if you can't beat 'em, join 'em right?), I can understand the "addiction" a bit better. Just hoping it is a phase that won't last excessively long, or that, like you say, he'll start understanding the concept of taking a break from it all - Disconnecting and enjoying life, the "real" one.

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