in #relationship6 years ago (edited)


This are the important and five critical differences you will find and some of the signs you will see when you are in a true relationship or toxic relationship.

You know some of us might be a toxic relationship and not don't even know that they are in a toxic relationship. But i bet you after critically going through this article you will find out whether your relationship is true or toxic.

Luckily for those of us that is in a toxic relationship with your partner you will find a way to make amends to your relationship and probably find true love for yourself. And looking at what i have here will agree with me that this are the major difference between true relationship and toxic relationship.

  1. The Number One Difference between True Relationship And Toxic Relationship:


In every true love or relationship, the development of one self is the most important thing, when you are in a relationship with your partner he or she will always try to carry you along in anything that will make you grow.

In terms of education, finance and other wise that is what true love or relationship is all about. Both parties would want the best for each other.

But when you are in a bad or toxic relationship or love the primary focus of both parties is on the relationship and not building each others .

Some times obsessing over how the two parties involved becomes their most priority, there is no atom of growing each other or finding a way to improve each other in both academics and other wise.

  1. The Number Two Difference between True Relationship And Toxic Relationship:


True love or relationship, is one that has room for freedom when there is freedom to both parties in a relationship the freedom am talking about is one that you can be free with your partner, free to express your feelings, fears worries and all worth not.

That is the freedom am talking about, their should be comfort in separate interests. we can have our own friends not just friends but good friends because when you have the bad one i bet you your relationship is doom.

A true love or relationship that has freedom to choose our friends and meaningful relationships outside of our romantic relationships is a true relationships. We can pursue interests and ideas without fear of reprimand.

But in a toxic relationship there is a total involvement in one another's lives. Your partner becomes jealous of you when ever he or she sees you with a man or woman, He or She start suspecting you thinking that you are cheating on him or her.

One partner can't go anywhere like travel without the other partner thinking he or she is messing up and this will make the two partner to codependency.

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