
in #reincarnation7 years ago (edited)

There is only one certainty in this world, and that is that at some point in our existence we will find death.

Unfortunately we are not immortal, we must be prepared for us to leave this world, hopefully as late as possible. People who have experienced the death of a loved one know very well what they feel at times like that; That feeling of absolute sadness is one of the most tragic things that human beings have to overcome.

Is there life after death? For thousands of years there has been controversy regarding this issue, since the various religions of our people who do not possess any type of belief affirm that after the death of a person there is nothing, only emptiness.

Some reaffirm that if people went to heaven after they died, why should not all the animals that die each year? Christians have the answer to this: two thousand years ago a person called Jesus Christ sacrificed himself for all of us dying on the cross. Thanks to him humanity was saved; through death we can reach the world of heaven.

Some religions are based on something that confuses the citizens of planet Earth: reincarnation. What does that term mean?

Well, something very unsettling: after the death of a person his spirit is transferred to another human or animal that has just been born, so he comes back to life. To name a few examples, Buddhism and Hinduism include reincarnation among their beliefs. The followers of these religions are not afraid of death, since after dying they will occupy a different body.

According to this belief, souls go through cycles of death and new incarnations. A human being, for example, could return to live on earth by being born as a new character. Reincarnation is linked to the concept of "Karma", according to which everyone pays for their good or bad behavior in their next incarnations. According to Hinduism, life is eternal: at the moment of the death of the body, the soul abandons the body that has become useless,

If the activities he did in his life were very bad, the soul is sent to a hellish planet (one of the Patalas) during the span of a life. 2) If the activities he did in his life were very good, the soul is sent to some "heavenly" planet, of very good quality of life; Y 3) If the activities you did in your life were not too bad or good, the soul is sent back to this planet Earth (an intermediate planet), where you can obtain an animal or vegetable body. This incessant process is called samsāra ('wandering'). This term comes from the Sanskrit verb samsrí: 'to flow together', 'to wander'

The world has commented very different things about it. If we speak first of the catholic religion, supposedly when we die we go up to heaven; the male Muslims who have been good have seven virgins at their disposal ... Today we will address a quite controversial section that has always raised suspicion among the people, what is true in reincarnation?

There is something you did not know, and that is that Christianity up to the sixth century accepted the reincarnation of human beings:

the doctrine was changing over the years until reaching the one we currently possess. Today many people believe in reincarnation and rely on many irrefutable proofs to affirm its truthfulness. Let's start with something some people may have experienced: a visit to the psychologist. It is not necessary to be crazy to go, sometimes only some problems have to be solved ...

reincarnation One of the most frequent therapies that occur in consultations is hypnotic regression. On what is this technique based well, something amazing: the psychologist is able to hypnotize the patient, who is lying on a stretcher. When he is in a trance state, the specialist asks him to tell him what he is seeing or feeling at that moment. The hypnotic regression serves to re-experience moments of the past; This helps the psychologist to understand the problem, but sometimes inexplicable things happen ...


Next we will narrate an incredible case about a woman who experienced reincarnation: Jenny Cockel. Jenny was from

British origin, but throughout life claimed that in a past life had been an Irish woman named Mary Sutton. Sutton had married a bricklayer by profession and had had eight children during his marriage. Unfortunately years later he died a victim of pneumonia; Jenny remembered all this with the smallest detail.

Mary Sutton This woman was curious to know what had happened to the children she had in her previous life. He was able to contact six of them,

that the other two had already died. These elders immediately recognized her as their mother because of their similar physicality and character, totally identical to that of their mother. Hollywood was inspired by this story to create a very successful film called Yesterday's Children. Reincarnation is something very special, and sometimes it seems to be completely real.

reason why Hindu are vegetarians At least the Hindus are coherent in their beliefs and do not eat meat. If you believe in reincarnation, why do you eat chicken? (or cow or pig). Perhaps what is on his plate has been the reincarnation of some distant relative. Reincarnation is a topic that is becoming more and more frequent in modern music, movies and bookstore texts, and the appearance of new publications on the subject is observed every day. The number of people who undergo a therapy called "regression to past lives" or "rebirths" is increasing, in order to discover who they were in their previous existences and how they influence their current life, they are taught to the people that the diseases or problems they suffer are consequences of their previous lives; I once observed how a therapist explained to one of her patients that the bad relationship she had with her mother was due to the fact that she was her father's wife in her past life and that this was recorded in her unconscious and that It was the cause of his problem.

Reincarnation is part of the rebirth of a great world movement called "New Age", which taking advantage of the rise of natural and alternative medicine is infiltrating therapies based on religious concepts of Hindu and Asian philosophy, the most common teaching is that of an evolutionary process of reincarnations, human beings finally reach the state of perfection.

Many facts (which are not scientific at all) in favor of reincarnation are obtained through hypnotized people who are mentally taken into the past. It has been shown that some of the cases as evidence of past lives are nothing but fabricated farces; In other cases, the patients were sincere, but unconsciously they were hallucinating, creating fantasies or dreaming.

A hypnotized person is in a state of high suggestibility and is susceptible to the manipulation of the hypnotist, sometimes it was discovered that what was presented as "past lives" had been unconsciously absorbed by novels, stories, friends, television and movies. But there are cases that raise questions that can not be resolved properly, in which it has been possible to verify the information given in a state of hypnosis; and there is no doubt that the Bible answers these questions;

The Bible reveals to us the existence of spirits that are called "demons", spirits that have been present throughout the history of mankind, and that they have detailed knowledge of everything that has happened over the millennia. When a person's mind is receptive to the suggestion of hypnosis, it is not difficult for a demon to transmit historical information to that mind or speak through the person (see Mark 1: 23-26), The Bible teaches the reality of influence and even demonic possession. In fact, it is interesting to note that, in a certain sense, reincarnation does exist in regard to demons, they are spirits that are capable of inhabiting a succession of human beings susceptible to their influence, but human beings do not experience a series of reincarnations.

There are those who claim that the Bible teaches reincarnation, but the Holy Scriptures contradict this teaching, some verses related to the subject include Matthew 17: 10-13; John 3: 3 and 9: 1-3. With reference to Matthew 17, Elijah never died, so reincarnation becomes impossible (see 2 Kings 2: 1-12), John the Baptist denied being Elijah (John 1: 19-26), what the Bible teaches is that he came with the same behavior as Elijah (Luke 1:17). Regarding John 3: 3, Jesus explains that "being born again" does not mean entering the mother's womb for the second time, it is also understood that the birth is spiritual and not physical; Also, here we talk about a single new birth. In John 9, Jesus affirms that the blind man suffers so that the glory of God manifests, never affirms that he suffers for something he did in a past


The Bible teaches us in Hebrews 9:27: "... is established for men who die once, and after this judgment"; we have not received two, five, or a hundred opportunities to die, be judged and live again, nor are we subject to an innumerable series of judgments, as suggested by reincarnation, according to which each new life is a judgment about the behavior in the past life. Dear reader, i believe only the Bible is the sure and unequivocal source in which we can find the truth about who we are, the reason why we exist and what happens after death. Do not believe in the myths of Hindu philosophy or submit to hypnosis or regression therapies to past lives, this can bring serious consequences in your psychological and physical life.

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One of life's mysteries

Yea life itself remains a mystery

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wao you give me some new creativity thank u..

Good article. I love Jesus. I study other religions. I love what you are writing. I'm linking to your post in a new article about faith right now. Take care. I'm Oatmeal Joey.

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