What is Reiki and what are the benefits

in #reiki7 years ago

What is Reiki and what are the benefits

Reiki is a Sanskrit word that means REI, universal energy and KI, vital energy.

It is a technique of channeling and transmitting vital energy through the laying on of hands, which is used to obtain peace and balance at all levels:

Physical: improvement in ailments, injuries, metabolism, etc.
Emotional: sentimental problems, aggressiveness, unhappiness, etc.
Mental: harmful habits, stress, insomnia, etc.
Spiritual: harmony, peace, balance, etc.

Reiki acts in depth going to the root of the physical or emotional problem, allowing the emotion or pattern of behavior that created the imbalance to manifest and be healed.

It also helps us with personal growth and the expansion of our consciousness.

Reiki therapy can be received by all human beings (healthy adults, sick people, pregnant women, children and babies), and also by animals and plants.

It is a complementary therapy to conventional medicine and psychological therapies recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Seda Essence talks with Danilo Cuellar about Reiki. You can follow Seda on Steemit @seda

The Reiki method is based on the Hindu belief about the Chakras, which would explain the health states of human beings. According to this belief, the malfunctioning or blockage of one or several Chakras would be the cause or aggravate the poor health leading to diseases and disorders.

The Reikist acts as a channel for universal energy and his goal is to re-harmonize the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual planes that have made him sick. It has been officially recognized and recommended * by the World Health Organization (WHO - WHO) for its positive results, for example a Reiki session is highly recommended before and / or after an operation.

Currently there are many Reiki currents and in each of them is taught in a different way, however in all, the same universal energy is channeled, that is, these Reiki currents act under the same principle.

What is Reiki for?

Throughout our lives there are internal blocks that hinder the circulation of energy, so sometimes we feel disharmonized.

When our vital energy (Ki) is strong, we are physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually healthy. When our vital energy is at a very low level, we can become unbalanced or sick in several ways. One of the ways we can replenish ourselves with Life Force is by using Reiki.

Reiki is a Holistic technique since it harmonizes and unlocks all planes of the human being, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. It does not harm the body in any way and does not create addiction or side effects or collateral because chemical substances or elements foreign to the body are not used but only the energy of life that is present in every living being.

Reiki can be used to:

  • Release repressed emotions
  • Increase the energy level, providing physical and mental vitality
  • Organic revitalization and rejuvenation of the entire organism
  • In most cases Reiki increases the effects of medical treatment when used in conjunction with it, never replacing it
  • Provoke a state of relaxation by reducing or eliminating anxiety
  • Alleviate suffering whether physical, emotional, mental or spiritual
  • Help eliminate the daily stress to which we are subjected by the demands of today's life
  • Migraines, depression, menstrual pain, constipation
  • Helps cleanse the body and mind of all types of toxins
  • In the case of terminally ill patients, it can give relief to both the affected person and their family group
  • Pregnancy and post-partum
  • Facilitate sleep and reduce depression
  • Eating disorders (bulimia and anorexia)
  • Can be used to help animals and plants
To access Reiki is not necessary to be sick, anyone who feels that "there is something else" and does not know what, and does not find much sense in the things he does in his daily life, can find his reason for being and be in this life through Reiki.

Through this method, we make our body become healthier, the thought becomes calmer and we increase the joy of living.

Have you ever tried Riki? Let me know your experience in the comments below.

Also on our website: https://emancipatedhuman.com/what-is-reiki-and-what-are-the-benefits/


Reiki and energy work in general are powerful healing modalities. I think everyone should try a session at least once in their life.

I like your post. I am also Reiki master. Please check my posts, Please follow and upvote, please. I will share my experience with you in future. @emancipatedhuman

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