RE: Reiki Boost Healing Invocation #37
Thank you @allyinspirit ~ is always so much fun 'playing' with our crystal buddies!
I love getting that intuitive call and the confirmation that comes with it always lights me up everytime! :)
When I lived in Salem, Mass (better known as "the Witch city") I used to visit the local 'New Age' Bookstore fairly often and every time I went in there I would only purchase items that called out to me the loudest. I couldn't even was too intense lol! I would literally follow the pull and limit myself to no more than 5 items in total per visit....which was truly difficult, I am sure you can imagine!
I miss those days...I'm considering making it a point to stop in the next time I visit the old neighborhood. On a brighter note...I am deeply thankful that I am able to hunt for gems and geodes 'in the rough' where I live now, which offers me the opportunity to connect with each piece on an entirely deeper level. So sweeeeeet!!!
I trust your weekend was awesome Ally. I look forward to seeing your newly inspired creations. How do you like working with Shattuckite so far? How does the energy feel to you?
It's always a pleasure to connect with you!!! Reiki Hugs & Love!!!
Hello @ionlysaymeep :)
Thank you and much love my friend! It is a blessing & pleasure to see you!
I trust you will have a wonder-full day that reflects back to you the awesomeness that you are.
Reiki Hugs! Meep :)