[ESP//ENG] Sin arrepentimientos - Jose Cabrera - Original

in #reggaetube5 years ago (edited)

Hi Reggaetube!!

Estoy probando la aplicacion de Dtube por primers vez en mucho tiempo, con el Nuevo convertidor puedo subir mis videos de manera sencilla ya que mi Baja conexion de internet, bueno, empecemos!

Este es mi post para El concurso #the5reelgood dónde esta semana el contenido a ser promovido es: música!

Como jurado del #sgl sonicgroovelive pues he pasado in switch de participante a jurado, lei de este concurso y me emocioné ya que ha sido parte de mi crecimiento en steemit el compartir mis canciones originales, esta vez es el turno de "Sin arrepentimientos" grabé esta mañana, mientras esperaba que despertaran Los chicos de la ciudad de Neoxian o Los de innerblocks para compartir buenas vibras de despertar, aunque parece que por aqui será la manera de hacerlo, agregando que con esto aprendo a usar dtube y conecto con nuevos usuarios, hola Nuevo lector!

Espero que Les guste este fresco post de Domingo, me dedicaré ahora a ver Las entradas de esta semana del concurso Sonic groove live, estoy seguro de que muchos de Los chicos estarian Felices de participar aqui, por Los que dejaré un mensaje para que curioseen la inciativa, esto ayuda a crear la musicomunidad

Hazme una video respuesta aqui: https://dev.mosaeek.com/videos/5d90ecfef27888009234ef63-1y4Y8tVGSMg
Esta cancion es una de mis favoritas, ha Ido una composicion reciente, espero Les guste

I am testing the application of Dtube for the first time in a long time, with the new converter I can upload my videos in a simple way since my Low internet connection, well, let's start!

This is my post for The # the5reelgood contest where this week the content to be promoted is: music!

As a judge of the #sgl sonicgroovelive as I have passed in switch from participant to judging, I read this contest and I was excited since it was part of my growth in steemit to share my original songs, this time it is the turn of "No regrets" I recorded this morning, while I waited for the guys from the city of Neoxian or The innerblocks to wake up to share good vibes to wake up, although it seems that this is the way to do it, adding that with this I learn to use dtube and connect with new users, hello New reader!

I hope you like this cool Sunday post, I will now dedicate myself to see this week's entries of the Sonic groove live contest, im thinking on do a shootout to aware these guys to put their music here!

Video response my video here:


This song is one of my favorites, it has been a recent composition, I hope you like it.

Letra // Lyrics

Español :

¿quien te dijo que la realidad es todo lo que puedes ver?
seguro fue un orangután que no piensa en versos.

¿quien te dijo que la realidad es solo materia y efectos?
¿y de donde sale eso?
-No te lo dirá

y la verdad yo creo, sin arrepentimientos, en lo que tenga que pasar, y entonces lo creo.

déjame soñar, súbete a mi Dragón, volemos por ahí.
déjame volar y ser como un Turpial al llegar a tu flor.

¿que es lo que pasa?
niña curiosa
que te sonrojas
cuando me abrazas, veras,
yo tengo cartas, bajo la manga,
como buen mago, no me comporto.

Que peculiar, que tengas esa rara forma de pensar, que te preocupen cosas así no estén mal. La verdad, existen momentos que no entiendo, y refutar ese carácter, con carácter de León (un Rugido mental)
que hace reacción ya solo por mera adicción
repito frases por dentro para calmarme.

y tu después, tiendes siempre a ponerme contra la pared, a veces siento que solo es cuestión de estrés, serénate nena, un poquito, antes de hablarme.

de lamentar, que hagas de todo siempre una calamidad, y con eso tu me cambies la realidad, que tu libreto sea una obra del pasado, que falsedad, haces un drama de un programa de Tv, y yo cuestiono siempre todo lo que es, quizás y si es que estoy bien loco de remate.


Who told you that reality is all you can see?
Sure was an orangutan who does not think of verses.

Who told you that reality is only matter and effects?
And where does that come from?
-I will not tell you

and the truth I believe, without regrets, in what has to happen, and then I create it.

let me dream, get on my Dragon, let's fly around.
let me fly and be like a Turpial when i reach your flower.

What's going on?
curious girl
that you blush
when you embrace me, you will see,
I have aces, up my sleeve,
Like a good magician, I do not behave.

How peculiar, that you have that strange way of thinking, that you worry about things like that are not wrong. The truth, there are moments that I do not understand, and refute that character, with Leon's character (a mental Roar)
who is reacting only by mere addiction
I repeat phrases inside to calm me down.

And then, you always tend to put me against the wall, sometimes I feel that it's just a matter of stress, serenate baby, a little bit, before talking to me.

to regret, to make everything always a calamity, and with that you change the reality, that your script is a work of the past, that falsehood, you make a drama of a TV program, and I always question everything that is, Maybe and if it is that I'm really crazy.

Un turpial es el ave nacional de Venezuela, mas que ave pajarito, les dejaré una foto, y aunque hay una comunidad venezolana bien grande, esta es una aclaratoria para todas aquellas personas que estén en otro lado del globo (o en otras esferas.)

A turpial is the national bird of Venezuela, more than bird bird, I will leave a photo, and although there is a large Venezuelan community, this is a clarification for all those who are on the other side of the globe (or in other spheres.)



▶️ ReggaeTube
▶️ YouTube~~Strikethrough~~

man i love this song, specially "ese caracter con caracter de leon" lol, congrats kid u rock so much.

What an awesome piece of music brother! I really love it :) Thank you for sharing this with us <3

recurating: #the5reelgood :)

Hey @joseacabrerav! We are happy to announce that your post is on the contest list for The 5 Reel Good by @ddaily!
For more information about the contest, the topic of the week and more about us, don't miss to check our profile: @ddaily.
Good luck with this weeks contest!



I am so happy I caught you today on innerblocks! This is lovely. Wow.

Hey @joseacabrerav, here is a little bit of BEER for you. Enjoy it!

Thanks for sharing your creative and inspirational video!

This post got curated by our fellow curator @roger.remix and you received a 100% upvote from our non-profit curation service!

Feel free to check out our channel @diytube to:

So cool. I loved that you stopped to tune - at first I was like, ahhh, he's out of tune! You're a pro!

thank you @camuel !!

i had to tune my guitar all day, D string mostly, the armonics of this string are not on tune, think i need new strings, but for being honest, a new guitar is something i'm dreaming with <3 _ <3

That was very beautiful! You're very talented. Go to american idol!

Wow, tienes una gran voz hermano, y me encanta como no te detienes.

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