Luminous Lagoon of Jamaica

in #reggaesteem5 years ago


Montego Bay is a city located on the northwest coast of Jamaica. It has approximately 79,830 inhabitants and important Tourist Attractions in Montego Bay Jamaica is the Martha Brae River. This river is home to a curious phosphorescent microbe that lives in these warm Caribbean waters.
The constant movement of water causes the microbes to move and shine with an impressive green color.
Montego Bay es una ciudad situada en la costa noroeste de Jamaica. cuenta aproximadamente con 79.830 habitantes y importantes Atractivos Turísticos en Montego Bay Jamaica se encuentra el río Martha Brae. Dicho río es el hogar de un curioso microbio fosforescente que vive en estas cálidas aguas Caribeñas.
El constante movimiento del agua hace que los microbios se muevan y brillen con un impresionante color verde.

This curious phenomenon is given by the presence of dinoflagellated, unicellular organisms that live in places where salt and fresh water merge, and are the reason for the impressive effect of the color exhibited by the waters of the Luminous Lagoon in Jamaica.
Este curioso fenomeno se da por la presencia de organismos dinoflagelados, unicelulares que viven en lugares donde la sal y el agua dulce se funden, y son la razón del impresionante efecto del color que exhiben las aguas de la Laguna Luminosa en Jamaica.

According to scientific information, this phenomenon occurs in a few places worldwide: The Blue Grotto in Malta, The Bioluminescent Bay, in Puerto Rico; "Navarre Beach" in Florida; "Toyama Bay" in Japan; The Matu Islands in Taiwan; and “Raa Atoll Islands” in the Maldives but it is on the island of Jamaica that this shining glow stands out with greater intensity. It should be noted that these are microscopic organisms and the natural phenomenon they create is known as bioluminescence.

De acuerdo con información científica este fenomeno se da en pocos lugares a nivel mundial:El Blue Grotto en Malta; La Bahía Bioluminiscente, en Puerto Rico; “Navarre Beach” en Florida; “Toyama Bay” en Japón; Las islas Matu en Taiwán; y “Raa Atoll Islands” en Maldivas pero es en la isla de Jamaica donde se destaca con mayor intensidad este estremecedor brillo cabe destacar que estos son organismos microscópicos y el fenomeno natural, que crean es conocido como bioluminiscencia

All this natural spectacle originated because the type of ecosystem is conducive to the habitat of dinoflagellates by the union between the fresh water of the mouth of the Martha Brae River and the salty water of the Caribbean Sea. together with the shallow depth of the water and the warm temperature of it, it is the perfect scenario for the development of microorganisms.

todo este espectaculo natural se origino porque el tipo de ecosistema es propicio para el habitat de los dinoflagelados por la unión entre el agua dulce de la desembocadura del río Martha Brae y el agua salada del mar Caribe. unido a la poca profundidad del agua y la cálida temperatura de la misma, es el escenario perfecto para el desarrollo de los microorganismos.



The bright lagoon is located along the wetlands that range from the small Rock community to the town of Falmouth, Trelawny. The lagoon is formed at the point where the Martha Brae River joins the Caribbean Sea.
La laguna luminosa está ubicada a lo largo de los humedales que van desde la pequeña comunidad de Rock hasta el pueblo de Falmouth, Trelawny. la laguna se forma en el punto en el que el río Martha Brae se une con el mar Caribe.

The Luminous Lagoon is northwest of Jamaica, 20 minutes from Montego Bay, 40 minutes from Ocho Rios and about 1 hour and a half from Negril.

La Laguna Luminosa está al noroeste de Jamaica, a 20 minutos de Montego Bay, 40 min desde Ocho Ríos y 1 hora y media aprox desde Negril.


The lagoon has a type of brackish water is one that has more dissolved salts than fresh water, but less than seawater. This lagoon is 90 to 240 cm. deep People who wish can swim in the lagoon during the tour. That agitates the organisms and creates a glow around your body. so to enjoy the more movement the water has more light there is ..
La laguna tiene un tipo de agua salobre es aquella que tiene más sales disueltas que el agua dulce, pero menos que el agua de mar. esta laguna tiene de 90 a 240 cm. de profundidad. Las personas que lo deseen pueden nadar en la laguna durante el recorrido. Eso agita los organismos y crea un brillo alrededor de su cuerpo. asi que a disfrutar entre mas movimiento tiene el agua mas luz hay ..

It is very important to highlight that this is the only natural night attraction of Jamaica.
the fenonomeno of luminicencia given is at night. this tour is a great adventure.

Es muy importante resaltar que este es el unico atractivo natural nocturno de Jamaica.
el fenonomeno de luminicencia se da es en la noche . este recorrido es una gran aventura

Mosquito repellent should be taken as its presence will accompany you on the trip.

It is difficult to capture the effect and the neon light with the mobile. so you should take a high definition camera ..

se debe llevar repelente de mosquitos ya que su presencia te acompañara en el viaje..

Es complicado captar el efecto y la luz de neón con el móvil. asi que debe llevarse una camara de alta definicion..


You can buy the tour in Falmouth or book it from any hotel you are staying at. The price will depend on the distance from your hotel to the lagoon and if you have a guide who speaks Spanish or not.

Puedes comprar el tour en Falmouth o reservarlo en cualquier hotel en el que te alojes. El precio dependerá de la distancia desde su hotel hasta la laguna y si tiene un guía que hable español o no.

The luminosity is not always the same. In the lagoon, night cruises are offered to tourists, since at night it is when the bright effect of the microbes is more intense and has an approximate cost of $ 20, the boat stops to allow travelers to swim in the less parts deep in the lagoon, with the waters that shine around it and you enjoy the tropical environment surrounded by mangroves.

La luminosidad no siempre es la misma. En la laguna se ofrecen cruceros nocturnos a los turistas, ya que por la noche es cuando el efecto brillante de los microbios es más intenso y tiene un coste aproximado de 20$, el barco se detiene para permitir a los viajeros nadar en las partes menos profundas de la laguna, con las aguas que brillan a su alrededor y que disfrutar del ambiente tropical rodeado de manglares.

In short, a magnificent spectacle of nature, we should all live this wonderful experience in a peaceful and exciting atmosphere. One of the most magical places in Jamaica.
greetings God Bless you until a new opportunity ..

En definitiva, un magnífico espectáculo de la naturaleza, todos deberíamos de vivir esta maravillosa experiencia una atmósfera pacífica y emocionante. uno de los lugares más mágicos de Jamaica.
saludos Dios les Bendiga hasta una nueva oportunidad ..

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

This sounds fascinating! I'm not sure I would like to swim in it, though :)

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

hello friend if it looks spectacular good swimming at night is an adventure but I respect your opinion thanks for commenting ..

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

Looks really cool, would love such an experience

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

Hi Cat, if it is an adventure, it is night this walk is a natural night attraction I hope you can escape on your trip to Jamaica and take a dip in these waters ..

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

@mariluna, Water is reflecting as Magical. Stay blessed.

Posted using Partiko Android

hello friend if friend is lovely this place hugs thanks for your comment ..

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

Welcome and have a wonderful time ahead.

Posted using Partiko Android

I used to go to Montego Bay often but I have never been there. Thanks for the info.

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

Hello friend I hope you can visit this place is a very beautiful night attraction greetings thanks for your comment ..

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

It is really nice play to feel...all. Mariaaaa.. 😋

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

hello, thanks you friends @bahagia-arbi, Grettings

Posted via ReggaeSteem | Reggae Culture Rewarded

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