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RE: Red-Pilled Tide Turned Black

in #redpill6 years ago (edited)

So well written...

I wonder if you've read "The American Jubilee- A National Nightmare is Closer than You Think", by Porter Stansberry? Porter is the founder of Stansberry Research, the largest independent financial newsletter businesses in the world.

He's been writing and discussing exactly your position and expects an uprising will force a debt clearing by our government.

I also subscribe to an incredible Editor's work at Palm Beach Research. They have over 370k subscribers. Teeka Tiwari recently wrote a short 82 page ebook called "The Coming Second Civil War". Although a completely different premise, he is deathly afraid of the coming collapse of the US dollar caused by far left radical states; 12 in all. They are changing state laws for the past year to allow them to gut the dollar as their nuclear option against losing their way since the election of Trump . I shouldn't say more, since it's part of my subscription. However, both lead to a conclusion that the US collapse is emanate. Scary stuff.

Debt, elite control, including their take over of the MSM and the radicalization of our country. The pot is simmering. The lid is about to blow...


I haven't read either of those works, but the jubilee concept is one that I am familiar with. The bankster cartel would be well advised to do exactly that, but instead it looks like they believe they can do a currency reset and introduce a new, likely cashless, fiat currency. I have read a few interesting speculative pieces about the bankster class using a cryptocurrency to sink the quantitative easing into as well, thus restoring the purchasing power of the dollar, but find that concept rather dubious. I will take a look at the texts you recommended, thanks for the tips!

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