Love him or hate him... do you really think Trump should have to pay this $350 million in New York?

in #redneck5 months ago

I haven't been keeping up with it very much but from what I have been seeing this ongoing lawsuit in New York seemed to me from the start to be some sort of assault on the ex-President. I say that as someone that doesn't really like or hate the guy although I did and still do find Trump amusing.

I don't really even know the details of the trial but when I saw that the judge ruled that Trump has to pay over $300 million and is banned from conducting business in New York for 3 years I thought this was extremely excessive and is politically motivated. Perhaps you know more about this trial and Judge Arthur Engoron than I do, but I can't help but feel like the legal system in this country is, in fact, being weaponized against certain people for political reasons.


I don't even know if it is possible for this to be appealed but if it is, I would imagine it will be. All I know is that one of the major issues that come up is that the prosecution claims that Trump used his assets to defraud banks into loans that he was unqualified for. The main issue being that his resort in Florida was overvalued in the presentation to the banks. The thing that stuck out for me the most was that the banks themselves provided testimony on Trump's behalf stating that they were NOT defrauded. In a real society, wouldn't that be the end of it? It is also my understanding that the loans were repaid.... so where is the problem here?

This sets a dangerous precedent in politics and law because there will be blowback that comes from conservative states and I am sure they are already talking about doing exactly that. If the legal system can be used in this capacity to attempt to silence political opponents the people who are cheering now will be crying when the cannon gets pointed at them.

I know that a lot of people are stating that this ruling is a massive miscarriage of justice and some of these people actually really don't like Trump. When you have your political enemies coming to your aid publicly, I think this is a good sign that the people overwhelmingly think this trial and its result is a farce.

New York is an extremely liberal place, especially New York City. I visited there one time to see a college buddy and you can tell that just by walking around. Maybe some people consider this a utopia, I consider it horrible and you couldn't pay me to live there.

If and when Trump is elected President, I think there is going to be a lot of payback coming and I wont applaud that either. The only people I know that are celebrating this result are people that would celebrate anything bad happening to Trump and hate anything he does even if it directly benefits them.

It is truly remarkable how much hatred is pushed towards Trump and when I look at it I cant help but think that his claims about the government being rigged and no outsiders are allowed is true. When we look at what other Presidents as well as Senators and Congressmen have done during their time in office this sort of trial should be applied to all of them as well. How else can someone increase their wealth 10-100 times their annual salary by holding a position of power? I think Trump is probably the only President that has ever LOST a ton of money by being President.

I am not a MAGA guy, I am a libertarian. One of the things that libertarians hate more than anything is government overreach and to me and many others, this trial seems like the epitome of government overreach.

Let's go ahead and split the country in two already.


Many legal experts say that his case was never tried in a CIVIL court, and that there were no actual victims

yes, the banks testified on his behalf. if there are no victims, why is there a trial? seems a but sus dontcha think?

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