We must create 'SubSteemits" to compete with Reddit's Subreddit's and the ability to create and moderate your own substeemit! Also not enough steemit posts per page! Needs to be like Reddit!

in #reddit8 years ago

So I found myself wandering back over top reddit after finding a funny subreddit called r/hiphopcirclejerk and a realization hit me, that reddit is still more fun and better than steemit right now in terms of many of the more obscure type of content and subreddits that still dont have any equal over here on steemit! I want Steemit to cover all of my reddit needs! i want steemit to take care of my need for a reddit fix! i want Steemit to be the methadone to my reddit addiction! To do that we need subreddits! And reddit has over 1 million different unique subreddits! We need them ALL over here on steemit!

(Graph showing growth of individual subreddits on reddit.com)

I just have to admit that I miss reddit while browsing this subreddit r/hiphopcirclejerk and remembering all the custom headers background text cursors and upvote arrow images reminded me of just how fun it was to customize and use a custom subreddit, of which there are now over 1 million...and they allow for vibrant active useful communities online! They are better than forums because you get all the same info but its all sorted by upvotes and that filters the best information to the top for you to see all at once, and I havent found anything close to subreddits here on steemit! is this something we can change or will this not be possible without some fundamental changing of the blockchain system? Can we install chrome extensions to maybe allow customization of different categories?

(Here is a graph showing total subreddit count which is at over 1 million 46 thousand 1,046,818 by 3/20/2017 )
can we use user accounts as the actual subreddits? Like make a @ShowerThoughts account and just have everyone post to it, maybe through its comments? No that wouldnt work would it...we really MUST have a way to compete with reddit with subreddits because I dont want to have to keeop going back to reddit just because i find some interestiong new subreddiut...we should be copying every popular subreddit that exists on reddit, name and all, because without these unique subreddit or substeemit communities we will not be able to create communities of like minded people who all hangout and post together like redditor's do all day every day in their unique subreddits! we MUSt have this system for steemit in order to succeed and make steem more than just a novelty! I want to actually USE it for reading and not just posting! reddit still organizes things better it seems, there is not enough reddit style content on steemit yet in my eyes, theres too many posts about too many different things, not enough serious reddit style unique posts...just alot of regurgitated stuff here , and even the most popular articles arent even that good, stuff on reddit is still more entertaining, and i woish it wasnt like that..i want steemit to have the best content and i want steemit to fulfill my reddit fix, and its not!

Partly because of this problem i notcied about how reddit just displays almost twice as many posts on screen as steemit...


See how the average steemit page only shows 7 posts on my screen while in another tab, same settings, the reddit page allows me to see 12-13 posts! even when I have some expanded out! That's ANOTHER thing we need from Reddit, the ability to just expand out image posts so you don't haveto click on them, but can just click on a + sign that expands the image out, like with image posts on reddit...we need that on steemit so people can just check out an image for posts that are just images, and then upvote without ever opening it for speed users! and the posts should take up less room so we can have 12-13 posts visible per screen, like reddit...
See how much more data you get on most reddit pages?! And see how you can customize a subreddit and apply your own header image, background images, customize the upvote button, the cursor, all sorts of stuff! Why can't we have this on steemit?!

On Reddit subreddit I can get custom posts tailored to a subreddit which the "categories" or "tags" just arent cutting it...

we desperatly need our own sub-steemits! Places we can create and become moderators of change headers, apply custom background, to allow people to make their very own sub-cultures within steemit! Places like minded users can hangout like redditors do on subreddits!

is Steemit open source? is the website in any way moddable? can I make something like an upgrade or even just a chrome extension to allow the creation or use of sub-steemits fully customize? And if not how about doing something through @xeroc 's piston?

We must find some way to allow customization of "substeemits" like how reddit has with subreddits!

And I DO apreciate the "never-ending steemit page" that you can only have on reddit with the reddit Enhancement Suite RES chrome extension , otherwise you have to click on the next page...and here on steemit at least we dont have to worry about that..BUT we also need night mode to allow people to save energy and more or less invert the colors so the background is black, and all the other features of reddit enhancement suite! And we must have all the useful features and styles of reddit!

I am tired of having to go back to reddit everytime i find a new and interesting or funny subreddit which has no equal in steemit yet! and wont be able to untill we have subreddits or substeemits here on steemit!

I want steemit to be my one stop shop! I want to be able to hangout in the steemit equivalent of r/trees and r/theDonald and r/drugs and r/videos I want to be able to find all those subredits HERE ON STEEMIT! AHhhh its so frustrating!

(Top Subreddit Popularity Visualized)
I have been on reddit for 10 years now..my account ackza is in the 9 or 10 year club you can check www.reddit.com/user/ackza I also have an old deviant art account that's even older! from like 2003! And my Youtube account is from 2005! I love these type of vote based user submitted content websites, I was on digg back in the day and switched to reddit in 2006 when i found it while trying toi access digg on my mobile RAZR phone on teh edge network! Back then theer was a website called diggriver.com for mobile digg but then i found reddit in 2006...., which came up for mobile really good because reddit was and still is just text based and fast loading, and back then everything on reddit was ALL just stuff copied from digg, and then a bunch of peopel migrated over and you know the rest of teh story, the same thing is seeming to happen with reddit and steemit that happened to digg and reddit...people arent jumping ship from reddit to steemit as much as they did from digg to reddit, but I can totally see it happening if we just make sure we take the things from reddit that make reddit so special...

(List of top subreddits)
if we could just have the subreddits I would be happy...that ALONE would do SO MUCH for us, even if we couldnt customize them more than a custom header, or customized steemit logo, it would still be enough to simply have user generated sub-steemits that are seperate sub-steemits liek hwo reddit has subreddits...because now when you click a "category" like "blockchain" or "videos" you wont find a seperate steemit just for blockchain or video discussion, and thats sad...please make my dream come true..or help me get on the right path to coding this!

And remember, we need to copy reddits subreddits for this OTHER reason

Which is Reddit's censorship through both archiving posts and banning its own subreddits! So we need a place for them to pop up here on steemit whenever reddit bans a subreddit! We can basically take all the redditors subscribed to every banned subreddit and repopulate them over here by allowing them all to come here and thrive and get PAID for their posts and comments! I just can't WAIt for all the new users to come and start posting to unique sub-steemits!

My dream is for steemit to get so big but also so full of interesting content that I can never read all of the amazing substeemits and that it becomes an endless source of entertainment and education like reddit but UNLIKE reddit it will ALSO be a source of financial freedom :) for all of us!


I didn't read this post, but going by the title, Steemit is working on it. They are going to be called communities.

I like your idea. following

This isn't youtube, facebook, linkedin, or reddit.
No admins, no circlejerks, not on steem.

Steemit is unique. It's best we go our own route than copying another site

there is a very simple solution to wanting a site like reddit... go to reddit. Personally, I find nothing of value at reddit but i find a lot of value here on Steemit.

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