Red Cross=Rothschild, Double Red Crossed ~ Disaster Capitalism at Its Coldest

in #redcross7 years ago

Please watch this video by Article on Red Cross selling frozen Plasma. NWO Agenda.

Knights of Malta, Templar, Nazis, Rothschild's, East India Tea Company, American Flag, Exon Mobil with double crosses are enemies and serve Satan.
Red Cross steals your money and as you can see in this vid/doc provides very limited care while luxuriously lodging in 5 star hotels A Rothschild/JEsuit Corpsoration.

The Business of Blood, Does the Red Cross sell your frozen plasma?
The American Red Cross will have to pay a $4.2 million fine for violating blood-safety laws, the Food and Drug Administration announced Friday. A spokesman for the nonprofit said that revenue from the sales of blood products will be used to pay the fine. Does the Red Cross really sell our blood?

RED CROSS EXPOSED and Our Own Military is at WAR with us TEXAS under attack, and East Coast Hurricane September 23rd reference

Richie From Boston on: The USA is S.O.L., NESTLE OWNS ALL THE WATER EVEN RAIN, and everything you need to know about CERN

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