Red Radicchio - Your secret of Longevity

in #red-radicchio6 years ago (edited)

Red radicchio prevents aging, purifies the liver and has diuretic properties because it is very rich in vitamins and polyphenols ...

Red radicchio is a variety of chicory, already known in antiquity as a medicinal plant, which gives longevity. At first sight, the red radicchio looks like a rose with its white and red veins and its enclosed shape. As "announces" the color marc, red radish is a concentrate of antioxidants that help to lower blood pressure and to strengthen the cardiovascular system.

Few calories and many properties

The effectiveness of the red radicchio in the prevention of aging diseases has now been proven. Nutritionists recommend it for its purifying properties on the liver but also diuretic, tonic and laxative, thanks to a unique composition that includes calcium, iron, potassium, folic acid, polyphenols, but above all fibers and vitamins (including C).
It is then a food that has only 13 calories per pound.

The red radicchio thoroughly degreases the bile

In addition to longevity, red radicchio is precious for the liver. Bitter substances stimulate the purification of the liver and the secretion of gastric juices. Favoring the biliary flow, which becomes richer in bile salts, also increases the elimination of excess bad cholesterol and the work of the intestine is relieved. The expulsion of toxins is enhanced by the diuretic action on the kidneys. Red radicchio protects blood from fats, diabetes, toxins and free radicals.
The characteristic bitter taste is also due to the presence of chicory, a substance derived from caffeine also contained in the chicory and puntarelle. It is no coincidence that there is also a chicory coffee, prepared with the root of the plant.

Red radicchio relaxes and supports mood

In ancient times, red radicchio was used as a real medicine, especially to placate negative emotional states, thanks to the presence of tryptophan, an essential amino acid that promotes the relaxation of the nervous system, put to the test at this time of year passing. The best effect is obtained by combining this bitter herb with hard-boiled eggs in the evening meal. Thus relaxation is assured.

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