Getting ready for another Tire Upcycling Task | Tire Erosion Embankment

in #recycling4 years ago


Today, we received the first supply of tires for our new Tire Erosion Embankment project.

One of our big challenges has been finding used automobile tires and this is partly because of the anglophone crisis that has limited the transportation industry in our region by limiting the use of cars, hence a decline in the number of used/bad tires and also because of the impact of our work.
Ever since we disseminated our tire recycling innovations, there has been a mad rush for used tires and hence a significant decline in the number of tires that get burned or end up in the landfill.
For this, we feel very proud and satisfied that our work is yielding fruitful results. Below is a picture of a Tire Embankment built in some part of our community by someone who gathered inspiration and knowledge from our work.

Meanwhile you can also enjoy some pictures of our Tire Erosion Embankment

What next?

Below is a picture of our new tire upcycling project site.
Our goal is to channelize the stream and then protect its banks from erosion. It’s a 17m long water channel that is pending to be transformed with tires.

The entire team is feeling very excited and we look forward to catching some Tilapia and Mud Fish while building the tire erosion embankment
While in quarantine, a few thoughtful and committed Earth Rangers will join the team in the project.

Stay tuned to updates.

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