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RE: You Won't Believe What I Find On The Curbs Of My Neighborhood On Recycling Nights! See 10 FREE Items Worth $1,650 Minimum!

in #recycling5 years ago

Thanks. The only competitors I see are a guy who drives around mainly collecting mattresses, occasionally a couple that grabs furniture, and a guy that walks around snipping wires to collect copper. Anyone else is usually just collecting bottles or clothes, or might be homeless looking for themselves. There are naturally a few people that might grab something by chance, but literally nobody is intentionally doing this like me -- and I know from all my years of observing. If I could only get some help to cover more ground here, there's a small fortune to find every weekday.

I go at night for more privacy, serenity and to make sure the buildings all have their stuff out. If I go too early, I might miss what some buildings put out on late evening. Even after midnight, so buildings are still putting stuff out because the pickup is around 7am. Either way, my eyes are always peeled, and I find stuff at all times when I'm around my city for other reasons.


Maybe you could franchise the idea / methods. 😊

Or at least offer a training manual - download for $15 etc.

I think there is a movie in there somewhere too...

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