Mega Post: A Huge Upcycling Haul Before & After - How To Make Free Money & Help The Environment ($1,585 In Free Projected Revenue)

in #recycling5 years ago (edited)

This is a massive upcycling post to show people some of my tricks.

Any support for my cause gets me pumped up to do and share more. It pushes me to walk a few extra blocks or not quit until I find more. I work alone, so I'm my only source of motivation otherwise. This all adds up for saving more unnecessary waste.

We're all hopefully going to the same moon, but for now, we all live on the same planet and need to take care of it.

This was Monday's haul. I had to take 3 trips back to my place and up four lovely flights of stairs on foot. I tweaked my back at the gym, so it wasn't fun, but wasn't going to skip one of the best days for doing this, or take taxis for shortcuts. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

This might look like a bunch of random stuff, but follow along to see how I process it.

Monday's finds:

  • Apple iPod Boombox - clean and working.
  • 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018 CFA study and test books (yessss).
  • Shark Navigator vacuum - simply had a clogged hose.
  • HP Printer - works perfectly.
  • Sony TV with damaged screen (internal boards work).
  • Samsung TV with damaged screen (same).
  • Bugaboo Cameleon 3 Stroller with tons of accessories (partially damaged frame joint, but rest great).

...This may or may not sound like much, but when you break it down, it starts to become mean more.

There were also some laser tag guns with batteries in them, but my hands were full. RIP laser tag guns...

I also felt sort of guilty* for not taking this huge headless Canadian Goose decoy:

Some Proof Shots:

Gold mine exactly as found...

Taken out of a clear plastic bag with its original plug.


Interestingly, a security guard I met at 3:30 AM when carrying the Samsung TV back offered to buy it from me immediately pending a successful test at my place a few blocks away. The screen was cosmetically fine, but it was damaged underneath, so I had to give him the bad news when he called 30 mins later. Oh well, but I'll make more money selling the parts anyway. It would've made for a nice story though.

After the team picture, work time...


Most people toss their TVs because the display gets damaged.

I do some simple tests and a visual inspection of the ports.

It was this classic scenario for both, with their internals perfectly fine.

This is what they boiled down to after taking the backs off:

Sony main board ($65): layup sale for a hard-to-find TV from 2010

Sony power board ($115): recently sold for $125 with others listed at this price, so I'll "undercut" the market

Sony T-con board ($20): super small and light

Samsung main board ($50): small and light

Samsung power board ($30): not much, but it helps others

...I debated selling their bases for $45 and $60, but they're slow sellers and I let them go. Managing my space is important.

CFA Books: I've found and sold same types before.

2018 study books 1-5 set ($100): good seller with cheap shipping

2017 complete set ($175): I'll split this up to sell the set of practice exam books separately.

2016 practice exams ($60): practically no writing and the ref guide adds value

2015 practice exams ($45): same as above, exam books are always good sellers

Other Tech:

HP printer worked just fine via test prints ($110): I actually have a second one of these I found a few weeks ago I still need to list.

Apple iPod Boombox ($120): works great, just a few scuffs on one edge from the sidewalk to lower value from $150

Bugaboo Cameleon 3 Stroller

It had a small issue on the frame to prevent me from selling it for ~$400 cash on Craigslist, so I salvaged what I could from the frame and will list everything below individually, which comes out to much more money.

Discontinued ride on board with adapters ($95): yep, and it'll sell.

Discontinued complete seat/frame with special canopy ($90 cash): canopy adds the extra value/differentiation

Bassinet ($60 cash): perfect condition with mattress

Rear foam-filled wheels ($45 cash):

Storage bag ($45): always a quick seller

Spare canopy ($35):

Brake lever set ($25):

Brake wire ($30): these sell... find the value!

Seat bumper bar ($30): easy seller

Cup holder w/Cameleon 3 adapter ($23): fits several models with the right adapter, so it'll sell like other used ones have

...If the main chassis was in good shape, I could sell that for $80 cash easily.

...I chose to toss the two front wheels since they were a bit worn.

Vacuums don't always suck:

The owner who didn't realize an orange peel clogged the hose does suck though. Some rinsing with water and wiping with rubbing alcohol, and everything is ready to roll.

Power nozzle ($50): heavy shipping, but works like a charm...

False: I'll break this down into smaller parts:

  • Motor: $30 (sells very easily)
  • Swivel neck w/ Control Board: $30
  • Brushroll & Belt: $18
  • Rear Wheels & Pins: $16
  • Small Front Roller Wheels & Pins: $15 (usually the fastest to go)

Magic - $50 turns into $109! Most of these have negligible shipping, while the main part would've cost a bit to certain zip codes. I've sold parts like this forever, so this is the way to go to maximize.

Hose ($35):

Elbow & swivel joint ($25): sneaky, sneaky, I know...

Canister ($30): a slow selling part I may put it back into the recycling for space purposes

Power switch ($18): people often throw their vacuum out because this little switch broke

...I could've removed and sold the main motor for $30 and some other smaller parts, but I let them go.

...I could sell the entire vacuum for $60 on Craigslist, or much more online as parts, even after fees.

What's this all equal in realistic potential resale value before fees??

Compound a positive inflow of inventory daily to sell (plus previous inventory and thrifting)... and it's freedom!

This June will mark my 4th year free from working for anyone.


It took me ~2.5 hours to find this stuff and bring it back. This was much longer than usual because of the extra trips.

It took me ~2.5 hours to clean and break down everything shown here (plus take all pics for listings).

It'll take me about 1 hour to organize all items into itemized folders on my computer and list everything.

Ironically, I've sold just about all of these things before. The same stuff often repeats in my neighborhood. I know the usual sales throughput on most of these.

I hope this deep dive was helpful so you can see what type of thought process is involved here.

Were you surprised by anything?

I understand that I live in a waste-rich area, but being aware of value and opportunities like these will pay off when you come across things you would've missed before.

I never used to see these things on my curbs for years until I literally tripped on them and started opening up my eyes. Now, it's everywhere...

The goal is to help the environment and spread the word about how we can do it with simple actions. Talking about it only gets us so far.

Thanks for your interest and support. Please help me spread this message.

Much more to come.



I just don't know what to say anymore bro!
the energy you have to go after those stuff is just incredible! <3

It's hard not to because I feel socially responsible to do my part. One day, I want to see what you've saved and kept/given away/sold. You have been challenged!

Well I'm not a big hero like you but I have challenged myself when I get out of the house walking in the streets, I'd pick up some trashes on the streets. so far I think I have built a habit out of that for myself. but let's see if I'd be able to pull off something like you are doing over there. hehe :)

Excellent work Matt. Thanks for the breakdown on the TV boards, might have to use that knowledge soon. :D

It starts with one TV, then it becomes second nature. Thanks for your comment.

OK - I gotta ask - WHERE do you live, how HUGE is your house-apartment to store, repair, clean, pack AND do you need a truck? Here in Thailand we have repair shops that will fix ANYthing for under $1 and so we don;t have the same throw away culture. Love what you do - I see a cult TV reality show in your future LOL

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I live in a big US city, but don't say which publicly. As for my apartment, it's essentially a mini warehouse. I usually clean and repair stuff on my kitchen counter or in my bathroom, and take pictures of most stuff on top of my stove (or outside my door in the hallway). I mainly upcycle within a net of 15 city blocks north/south of my place, and a less in width, so I walk almost all of it back. No truck, no hand-cart, no backpack... just hand-carry in boxes or bags I find when I'm out hunting that night. Since my back was hurting from the gym with the Sony TV, I used the stroller as a little wagon to get it back to my place. The throw-away culture here makes me sick, so I try to do what I can. I'd say I'm trying to do what I do practically, but I think what I do is pretty extreme as compared to the people around me. I wish there was a repair shop culture here. Thanks for your interest. I'll keep posting more.

*Also, two things above have already sold to get the party started $95 and $38 and keep me motivated to hustle more. I also found two TI calculators in my own building's recycling last night when putting some parts in the bin, and sold them for $55 and $25 within a few hours as a bonus!

Dude, the amount of good things people throw away really baffles me. Lots of opportunity though for those who can see it. Thank you for sharing this brother.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks for taking the time to check this out. I don't know how to get the importance of growing this practice to sink in for people to actually do this, but an active audience who gets it helps me stay motivated. My new handle should be findinstuff. Wait, that's actually a good idea.

Hell yeah! Lol you definitely got my attention and interest peaked. I wouldn't have thought to even part things out like you have. Really eye opening for me to keep my head on a swivel for these opportunities with the insider knowledge you provide. Very valuable info imo

Posted using Partiko Android

I always find it interesting and downright amazing all the different ways you have found to move items. Keep setting the's the right thing to do.

Thank you. All I can do is keep posting on this until someone else starts sharing the torch. For now, I'll keep plugging along and posting for the niche who cares.

What if you tagged these post with cleanplanet? Cleanplanet might support your style of recycling and even promote a challenge for others.

Posted using Partiko Android

I believe that I reached out to them once before to introduce them to my stuff, which I think they replied to with a short compliment, but they never crossed over to check out my posts. I don't tag them because what I'm doing is different than putting trash in a bag, but it's the same ilk. I may take your suggestion and simply add the tag to see if that creates some more traffic. On the other hand, I've always wanted to make my own version of that group. I also met them personally and did a trash walk in Poland at SteemFest. Thanks for the tip.

Damn, that's really impressive! Nice work!

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you for taking notice.

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